Norman Mankiller and the Chero

I know when Ridley Scott was filming Black Hawk Down they intentionally with masking tape put the soldiers names on the front of their helmets even though in real life they didn't, so it was easier for the audience to identify who was who.

They were both at the Christmas dinner. JP Morgan (AKA CURLY HAIRED GUY IN SHOT) and the guy they found dead. They knocked on the door and came walking in…both were present.

If you can't recognize them then maybe you weren't paying enough attention? Or maybe I just remember shit pretty well but it's J.P. Morgan and Basilone….they had a Christmas time dinner together at Basilone's house before shipping out.

I think there is something to be said about the show and in fact other movies that simply put someone in the moment with little or no back story. Taken in serial form, the first two episodes do seem to lack much of any character development but I think that over time (I.E. The mini-series) these characters

Okay These Guys Aren't My Cup of Tea
Or to quote Xiu Xiu's song 'Fabulous Muscles'

The Appropriate Los Angeles Thing to Do
Would be to show up when its half way done, then leave about 15 minutes before its over.

Speaking of In-n-Out its a mother fucking crime there isn't one in Santa Monica. The reason why there are so few in places that would make more sense though is that stuck up residents and annoying city council people constantly veto any attempts to build them because of the massive traffic spike that they create.

Death Proof - Stuntman Mike
The nachos he eats look absurdly good. Yeah he eats them like a slob but I just remember thinking…"DAMN THOSE LOOK LIKE GOOD FUCKING NACHOS."

Danny Trejo is from Echo Park.

How does it keep up with news like that?

I'm just scared they'd sell out. Its my fault I admit.

What Sneaky Discount??
I just ordered the tickets and they actually fucking charge you more money to PRINT THEM OUT on your own. So I just ordered them via regular mail.

Lets Hang
I'll show you all the cool spots that The Shield was filmed at. Also, man fucking Silver Lake? Upwardly mobile folk busted their ass to be closer to the beach! Come to a sexier Santa Monica/Venice area just avoid the hippies selling you useless jewelry for .99.

Can We Focus On the Article At Hand?
Despite Noel writing up a pretty engrossing article that not only speaks about a classic show but even tries to educate us (a little) on early television half the comments are more interested in talking about the upcoming 'The Simpsons' Very Special Episode entry.

AV Club Comments Section is Quiet
There is a strong anti-kimchi bias on these boards.

Antoine Bourdain
That is a cooler name. Uwe Boll is universally terrible but I'm glad he gets to make movies for the world to mock.

Public Enemy officials issued an order Monday for all retired Security Of The First World personnel to return to active duty.

I used to hate Elvis
But when I learned more about him I feel like he is one of the most interesting entertainers ever. One thing that really sticks with me is his devotion and the relationship with his mother. When she died he was inconsolable and clearly a broken man for a long time following her death.

Andrew Zimmern of Bizarre Foods
Even that mother fucker cannot stand Durian. He literally gags on it when he tries it and a second time when he tries it he still can barely handle it. I'm planning on never eating this.