
Maybe the big twist this season will be Olivia and Fitz NOT banging? A girl can dream…

I looked him up immediately after watching because he was hot and vaguely familiar. Turns out I saw him perform for an audience of ~20 at my small liberal arts college two years ago, so yeah, definitely moving up.

Jamie's slicked back bangs are the television equivalent of Aragorn's coronation hair. Both are terrible, but at least highlight how much hotter each dude's ~rugged~ look is.

Yep, it basically has to do with her being treated as a guest of the MacKenzies and one of high enough class (at least, based on the fake backstory she gives them) that it would be improper to dress her as a servant. And she's dressed better than Geillis because Geillis is supposed to look pretty unconventional.

Nothing insightful or witty to add to this review, but…can we talk about Claire's fancy dress? Because that was a fabulous dress.

Baltar/Roslin. Enough said.

Man, there used to be this hilarious video on youtube where James Callis went around asking all of the BSG cast members about Bear McCreary and they were just like, "who? Ohhh the drums," but it seems to have been taken down.
edit: never mind, here it is https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Same! I haven't knit anything in two years but just started again today because of this show.

Excellent blog. I also had the moment when I saw Claire's gray scarf and was like "whoa that's too stylish to be period." But obviously knitting has been around for a while (thanks Wikipedia!), and scarves aren't complicated enough to have evolved that much.

It often seems like a way for him to write in stereotypical wife jokes without being accused of being sexist because hey, they're both women.

Yes, you perfectly captured my issues with the characterization of Clara in this episode. She definitely needs some sort of personality beyond charming quip-deliverer and that never quite happened last season, but wow, this was bad writing.

Agreed. And I kind of hate how Clara's big speech was to prove that she wasn't just into pretty young men, as if that's a bad thing! Like, it doesn't make you shallow to be creeped out that the handsome young guy you had a flirtatious relationship with suddenly looks old enough to be your dad, even if you were aware

It's not. (Shocking, I know.)

I love She-Hulk, but I'd be sort of apprehensive about seeing her in live action. It seems unlikely that we'd be able to see Shulkie onscreen in all her super-buff, super-tall green glory (because then she might not be conventionally attractive and we can't have that in Hollywood).

What the fuck is in The Iliad:
-a whole chapter just listing names of Greek dudes, the names of the Greek dudes' fathers, and how many ships each Greek dude has
-Hera fucking Zeus in the clouds to distract him from the battle

Getting into (or starting? unclear) a bar fight with a guy almost half your age is kind of an act of douchebaggery, even if that guy is Justin Bieber.

Like now I really want his character and Nostradamus to have a conversation in their "trying super hard to be anything but Canadian" accents. And if we really want to read into it, I guess maybe his character is supposed to be like Mary's Nostradamus as she evolves into Catherine, so it totally works.

I was so pleased to see Tahmoh Penikett on my screen again, but man, what even was that accent?

(I can see where you're coming from, though)

You take that back!