
I can't wait until next year when I will become 24 years more culturally advanced then this movie.

If the song you choose to hate is a song from a band that you overall like, one must assume that you haven't been exposed to the infinite supply of truly shitty songs that exist.

I've always hated this song. It's just so fucking lame. There was a lot cooler shit going on in 1972 then this bullshit ass song. But hey, whatever blows up your skirt.

Surely you jest my good man. The awesomeness that is the early Simpsons can't possibly be summed up in a mere ten episodes.

You are obviously way more emotional invested in this then I am but writing your opinions in all caps doesn't make them anymore valid. Also talking shit about my mother and calling me a sociopath proves that you are a person that can't have a debate with someone without reverting to name-calling.

Obviously you feel very strongly about this issue. The problem with your
argument is that many, many artists have engaged in morally bankrupt
behavior. I love Miles Davis' music but he was a pretty despicable human
being. By your logic I should never listen to his music again.

I'm using the term "artist" loosely :)
I've always been more a Malcolm X fan but that's just me. They're two sides of the same coin.

"That is some bullshit, who is suggesting anything of the sort"

The chic-fil-a bit is pretty funny but I don't really see how it takes down my argument. Of course you can choose to not eat there but you would also have to not it at any restaurant run by a Muslim or a Catholic or any religious group that doesn't support gay rights.

One needs to separate the art from the artist. Miles Davis beat women but I'm still a big Miles fan because he was a great artist. That doesn't mean I condone beating women. Before listening to an artist's music should one read their biography to make sure that they are/were a "good" person?


I think you meant to say their most profitable three minutes.

I've had the Disintegration vs Pornography debate with friends before with myself choosing the former. My argument is that Disintegration is Robert Smith remaking Pornography 8 years later when he had more musical/life experience. Also you get Boris Williams on the drums who is Dave Grohl to Robert Smith's Kurt

Unfortunately, American public schools are little more then places to sell pizza and soda.

Not sure where you are coming up with 197 as the bpm. There is no way it is that fast.

"I actually don’t have any songs that I hate or despise or anything. At
most, I might just be indifferent about something, and that’s not
interesting to talk about. So I confess to actually liking this song…"

There has got to be some more hate filled people they could interview. Once again this guy doesn't even hate the song. Could we get some real haters in here please?

They should be hated for being one of the first "post gunge" bands. The most unholy of all musical genres.

This was the most unfunny hate song piece I've read. The guy doesn't even really hate the band. WTF? Let the hate flow man. Just say you hate RATM. No one is going to beat you up. Probably.

Remeber what I told you about drinking and driving?
That shit is fun!