Queen Takes Bishop

Ghat dammit
I don't drop character until I post a comment on the AV Club comment board.

Oh my God, I was wrong
It was Earth all along.

End your sentence in a preposition to.

Hi. I'm Old Greg. I got a mangina.

Sheba Wentworth.

That was for Joe.

Yo, where my cheese at?

Down these women of low moral repute crawl, up until the point I ejaculate into their faces, UHHYEAHHHH!!!!



Rest in peace, Harvey Pekar. First Lebron, now Harvey…sucks to be a Cleveland resident right now.

The only way outta here is that firstie that leads to the east. But I wouldn't wish that on a broke-dick fail.

That's the sound of da police.

See..she didn't say it twice…because of the…uh…echo..hehehe…

This shit's something. Makes Cambodia look like Kansas.

I almost expect Bunk to ride up next to McNulty in full Roman cavalry garb, saying "The Bunk is a strict chain-mail and gladius motherfucker."

DID YOU NOT SEE MY FINGERS IN THE AIR MAKING QUOTATION MARKS AS I TYPED? Good Lord, the internetz be soooo insensitive.

Oh my gosh Dick Thornby I totally forgot that I misspoke and said it was from the movie…oh no, wait I didn't. Notice the quotation marks? That usually means somebody is quoting something.

She's the kind of girl that yells "woooooo" during the fade-out to "Brown Sugar…

I was honestly hoping that the episode would go to black right when John Basilone got shot, showing the utter suddenness of death in that kind of situation. Might also have more of an impact, especially considering everything that occurred in the rest of the episode.