
A genetic disease, no less!

It was so far from subtle characters should have been remarking on it! It makes me think of how probably "piece of the True Cross" should have crossed their minds when they unveiled the mysteriously prized piece of wood brought back from the crusades.

Ha, really? That's great.

Looking at that picture… what is it with Brit shows and high cast turn-over? I can't recall any example of a non-Brit show where you end up with a whole new different cast of characters in the same situation with the same premise, but it seems to be a perfectly natural thing for UK series.

I thought the idea was that Merlyn thinks Hive can still pull it off. But we've had no indication one way or another of what they can do outside of Darhk.

I thought it was because he's called Merlyn!

His guard will be double low, then.

The wrong ex died!

The issue is more with the Draw part of the system, if anything.

I thought Showcase was running the first season again a while again. I recorded the first episode, the second, the third… then they jumped to broadcasting the fifth. Then they stopped. It wasn't meant to be.

That's the thing, it's not the possibility of being eaten. It's the apparent (maybe the mistborn predator concentration wouldn't be as high elsewhere as it was at the shopping center, but from the point of view of the characters so far it's been an unfailing cavalcade of creatures which actively wants to do harm)

The polar bears need it to fight other polar bears. It's protection against badassness.


That's what I came to say, thank you. It's a bad, bad pun.

That's why my interest in rewatching the movie is in the negative.

I really don't know. Maybe I don't remember the details well enough to have a solid opinion on the execution (I do like the ending.)

Watched the first episode of the final (half) season of Mad Men. It felt aimless, really. With Ken Cosgrove as the main character?!

I think that when they coined it they had to be likening racoons to a sorta/kinda rodent? I don't really see any bear in the word, myself. Personally I think the comparisons are both approximately cute.

In French they are called… "washer pinkies?"