Chris Kattans Brother Peter Ka

Huh. Disqus used to display my full name. Oh well, I guess Peter married a woman with the last name of Ka, and is really progressive?

People who claim the female form is intrinsically more beautiful than the male have never seen a dong pissing in all its glory.

*Crosses legs desperately to conceal painfully erect boneur*

fuckin gross

Into the Woods is not terrible. The music is beautiful and the story is great when left intact. Disney is neutering this show by removing its pivotal edge.

I regret posting this before watching the episode, which I loved. Maybe the first couple episodes were a little off for me.

I love the podcast and have listened to every one, but this show's starting to feel a little stale for me. I really loved the weird, separately shot stuff from the first two seasons (Reggie as a fetus making love to his wife!), but this season has felt a little confined. Also Reggie seems really bored, and I don't

I actually like it.
She was pretty cool when she was going by her own name. Entertaining for what she was.

Hey Leonard
Is "Spiraling Shapes" a They Might Be Giants reference?

Does anyone like her?

Are we supposed to feel bad now

who they getting to star? colin mochrie, i hope.

I don't recall this band. Are they popular? It doesn't matter, I don't listen to the radio.

So this has nothing to do with the Pixies?

Spotty lyrical moments aside, this is Folds' best work since 2001.

First Kevin Eubanks and now Max. There is no God.

Excellent, but
I thought he had said he was done with these.