
The books and the show have melded together in my memory and the relevant time from season 2 was so long long ago that I can't be sure — but wasn't Ramsay responsible for the idea of Theon stringing up two random boys to pass off as Bran and Rickon? I can't decide whether it would be delicious justice or sloppy

I like both Peter and Will, but Peter and Alicia are a true power couple. If they would both stop caring about whoever the other person sleeps with, they would rule Illinois

I agree; there are many layers to Alicia's decision. Given the way that Alicia agreed to start a new firm in the (same or just previous?) episode that she made out with Will-while her husband was on his way to winning the governorship (it was never in doubt, were they really going to make a Republican governor of

It'd be okay if he continued to call Alicia out to her, but outting her to Will, whom he knows has forced her out, is simply the worst kind of sibling, and Alicia will not forgive that easily if shelearns of his betrayal

If subtext were text (and in that scene they were nigh indistinguishable) Clarke would've laid one on Cary right then and there

I'm not one to complain about reviews, but relegating Clarke Hayden and his Cary crush to barely a one line Stray Observation is unforgivable. Give me back SIIIIIIIMMMMMSSSSS