
Welcome to the New Economy!

They might stop showing up, though.

That dog actually had some pretty insightful things to say about the strays situation in Sochi.

Or something you grab from a thirty rack in a frat house.


Curse that mahogany god!

Well, he was a hack.

I love that gag.


Yeah, actually Talib played a solo set, then Mos Def came out and they did a Black Star set, then Talib left and Mos Def did some solo stuff. If the show had a flaw, it's that it was too long.

Black Star was pretty awesome when I saw them.


Ownership of the title, "Baddest Mofo Low-Down Around This Town" is outside dispute, however.

They never do.

Cool, thanks.

I hate when gas stations have a Dunkin' Donuts inside. If I want to get coffee in addition to gas, cigarettes, motor oil, etc. I have to make two distinct transactions instead of just the one in the case of a place with a little Green Mountain Roasters stand. Petty, but one of my foremost pet peeves.

That's such a foreign concept to me. The town I grew up in literally had almost a 1:1 ratio of Dunkin' Donuts:square miles (I did the math once). I am in walking distance of maybe, five? Where I live now.

Yeah, I'm basically starting from the point of a child raised by wolves. I just kind of decided, "I should probably know some programming." I asked a friend in the know what the best language to learn would be for me, and he immediately sent me a pdf of a Python for beginners textbook. After about four hours and as

Drank more than enough Bank Note and started teaching myself Python last night. But maybe this is a story for the "Teaching Myself Python" thread. On the other hand, I liked the Bank Note whisky better than the coding,