
"I like to consider myself a citizen of the universe…"


I love you!

I think to an extent it's also a way to perform a public service as Clark Kent and not Superman. I don't remember where I saw it, but I've seen it said too that he like journalism because his powers don't give him any advantages over normal humans (at least the writing aspect, obviously super-senses and speed give him

Hash Browns vs. Board of Education is another good one.

Having grown up in Bristol, I have nothing but empathy for anyone who wants to get the fuck out.

My dad and I still use this line whenever we park in a huge lot. Or anywhere, really.


I believe they play portrays Shylock as being a bit more sympathetic than Todd seems to think, or at least that's how I remember reading it. It may be an anachronistic interpretation, I admit.

Motherfucking Batman. Does Cabin Boy count?

"I like how empty it is, but I think I'm looking for something a little emptier."

I was six. If I recall, I spent a lot of time with pencils between my fingers, pretending to be Wolverine. Good times indeed!

I don't know that it'd make an ideal gateway for most people, but the first thing I read that made me understand the core of Superman's character was Brian Azzarello and Jim Lee's "For Tomorrow" arc. I had never been a big Supes fan, but I was really into Azzarello's Batman work in "Broken City," and of course Lee was

And now another exciting episode in the adventures of Superman!

I can't wait to see what Slate has to say on the subject!

I dunno, my parents divorced when I was 13. They were fighting a lot and creating a pretty lousy environment for themselves and my brother and me. Neither was a shitheel, both were just unhappy. They split up, which was hard, but as soon as the dust had settled they were more civil with each other than they'd been in

I don't dance! I can't dance!

"You OK?" 
"Gimme a second, I just stood up 2 fast."


It's a good thing you didn't forget the comma in that first sentence.