
Maybe I'm reading too much into incidental details, but did anyone else get really excited at the end when Amberlivia pulled her hair back into a ponytail? I may have yelled "Ourlivia's back!" at my sister.

Yes, the episode began hurtling headlong into some pretty awkward territory and Hodgman was wise to put a stop to that.

I think most of that is their instinct to not offend anyone. It seems like Dave in particular gets really uptight on the show when anyone even approaches talking seriously about political issues. But it's a comedy podcast so I don't begrudge them their desire to keep things light.

I think for me that's the biggest flaw with this series. Working in law enforcement there is certainly still sexism, but it is nowhere near what they are portraying in the series. I think it would be a lot more interesting if they played with the more subtle gender issues now at play.

I don't watch this show on a regular basis but the episodes I have seen mostly dealt with Red John. To me, Jane came off as a bit of a sociopath. Am I making a snap judgment here or does he always give off this slightly evil vibe?