Marty Funkhouser

He's more likely to kill her I think.

Hits bull.

I have Sirius XM and even tho the DJs speak relatively little I wish they were gone altogether. Zero value add, even from the original MTV veejays who inhabit seemingly 7-8 channels.

Who makes the Cheddar Horseradish chips and the Cocoa and Coffee? Those two items are the shizz and the nearest TJ's is 75 minutes away.


That's covered in the linked story too … it's an interesting read.

This makes me sad because I loved watching him be Anderson Cooper's punching bag night after night. It was fun to watch him squirm.

"How 'bout dem Bears?"

"He's my favorite honky!"

Love P of E!

It's a douche said/she said situation.

They are now and have been for a long time, which makes for thousands and thousands of hours of entertainment. For free.

He doesn't care for eggs. What the hell kinda chef doesn't like eggs?

How about guacamole? You like guacamole?

They're probably too busy training on Kinja.

Anybody catch the TBS show "The Guest Book" last week? We have them on DVR but haven't watched yet. It's on again tonight.

Turns out he's been in a million things, but the actor playing Denis, Ronald Guttman, played Megan Draper's father in Mad Men. Just saw it over the weekend.

Forgot all about it but now I need to watch "Breakdown" again. I loved that movie.

Someone's never heard of library DVDs.

Partridge Family had Ricky Segall.