Bert Macklin

I bailed halfway through season 4, thanks for sticking with it & writing this review so I'll never be tempted to go back & watch the rest. Better if we all pretend the last two seasons didn't happen, & the show ended with that wonderful season 3 finale.

The ending didn't totally work –– turn it off with about ten minutes to go & it's a better film –– but I really enjoyed it & Headland's direction definitely helps elevate it well above the rom-com norm. It also helps that I did find Sudeikis, who I was never overly impressed with before, charming in the role.

It didn't occur to me either. Fucking fantastic writing, & a great pickup, & all around review, by Vikram.

This episode was a bit overstuffed, all the real estate business felt like a distraction from more interesting storylines, but Gina Rodriguez as bachelorette Jane, & Alba deciding to get her green card, more than made up for it. Even though I expect it, the mix of humor & heart on this show continues to blow me away

I was firmly entrenched on #TeamRafael for most of last season but damn if Michael hasn't eliminated the gap. They've executed the love triangle so expertly that all I know now is that I'm #TeamJane, & I'll feel terrible for whoever she doesn't pick.

The weak acting, outside of Bex Taylor-Klaus & the show's version of Randy, & laughable writing isn't all that surprising but the production value seems oddly low. This show looks as if it has a third of "Teen Wolf's" budget. All that said, I enjoyed this episode a lot more than the pilot & hope it keeps trending up.

As strong as It's Always Sunny & Broad City have been, this show has become the highlight of my Wednesday nights & tonight cemented that feeling. Not only did it broaden the show's perspective but more than any episode thus far this one succeeded in mixing the melancholy of singledom with the absurd, & the tea party

I agree that the lost dick segment lacked emotional truth, cheapening the joke a bit, but I still found it pretty funny –– especially when Mike also lost his.

Does that mean I should admit to being the one person, besides VanDerWerff, who liked that episode? I even bought the NBC produced shirt for that episode, though on sale mind you.

If Breaking Bad didn't come with such sterling recommendations I'd likely have given up on it fairly early too. For me it didn't really start going until a few episodes into season two, and doesn't vault itself into television greatness until the third. From there on out it's fantastic, indeed, not better than The

Same here. Every reviewer I read loved 30 Rock, a lot of my friends who have similar TV viewing habits recommend it, but it never really clicked with me. I've thought about why that is and the main conclusions I've come to are that the characters, outside of Liz & Jack, just aren't compelling, and I remain horribly

The start of season 3 was a big step down but Kumagoro is right, it closes strong enough that it mostly redeems all that came before it. And while season 4 is uneven it features the best villain the show's had by far.