
Me too! I'm on The Vor Game now and have spent the entire day dying to get back to it! I'm going in chronological order so I've already finished the Cordelia books and The Warriors Apprentice. Its great how much more detail I'm getting.

I agree! In fact, its harder to achieve genuine pathos in a comedy so anyone who can (i.e., Pratchett) is far more deserving of respect than the stuffiest of literary stuffs writing the next dreary tragedy (Jonathan Franzen…who I have a pet peeve about).

Yup, its a good test for determining good people.

Yes indeed. :)

Its pretty cool how A.S. Byatt is a huge fan of Pratchett's. She's been on about him for quite a long time—that's why they got her to do the foreword I think. It was a case of serious literary writer sees the merit of Discworld! Look!

Sounds vaguely interesting; I might give it a look later.

Are you reading Pratchett for the first time? I cannot describe how jealous I am! As far as I am concerned, the earlier books, while entertaining, lack some of the depth of the later books and you're right at the turning point. Enjoy.

I loved "Anansi Boys" so much! Its a thoroughly delightful book and one of Gaiman's strongest, IMO.

I'm re-reading the Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold. Its a comfort read as its one of my favourites and damn if it isn't as hard to put down on a second or third round as the first.

And lo the '+' was deemed to be extreme and was rolled back after one day of rejoicing.

Or boiled leather, for that matter.

Oh I completely understand that. I just don't understand why I guess. It would have helped to have a bit more back story in a show, not tell format. :/

I think it would really have helped me to have a sense of time that has elapsed during their courtship and maybe some flashbacks rather than her narrating it to a statue of Ganesha. (That is what happened right?)

Yup its the Asian stereotype of the subservient woman. Its more a Japanese one than Korean though.

That's awesome! I turn into a block of wood every time I'm on stage so I'm always very impressed by people who can go up there and perform.

I mean I totally get it. Except I don't, not really.

Me too!! I think it still might happen. There has to be something… Or TV has just trained us well to wait for the other shoe to drop.

I still don't get why Rajan is a bad choice though. He seems perfect. AND he can dance. This is literally all that Indian girls ask for in a husband. Someone who won't embarrass them at the sangeet. ;)

Fair enough. What did you act in?

He and Hernando and Daniela lived happily ever after. For now. :)