
Oh please, the guy who plays Rajan was *the* teenage heartthrob in the late 90's/early 00's when he was a VJ on Channel V.

I felt like it was supposed to hammer home her businesswoman persona.

It hasn't been mentioned and when it was it felt very weird to me because as you mentioned — Capheus, Riley, Kala and Will seem a lot younger than the others. I would put Sun at mid 30's and Nomi around 40. Tito could be anywhere in his 30's.

I can't remember exactly but I think even Kala wasn't part of the orgy and I definitely recall thinking that Kavita Desai probably didn't want to do nudity. And I think Riley and Sun were also missing from that scene. Can somebody specify?

For a while I thought they were making Sun's story the Korean "Orange (or Blue) is the New Black". Which would not be bad…

That's a nice breakdown because that scene resonated with me. Because and I think this is woven in well in Kala's story—while she is well educated and professional her family is still not of the same social status as Rajan's family and for a girl in that type of newly middle class environment, graduating from college

But its an entirely commonly accepted part of the wedding celebrations in India (its called the Sangeet). Its usually not anonymous extras but your friends, cousins and aunts and uncles who give performances (singing and dancing are the norm).

I can understand why they had Kala do it because its an easy (read: lazy) way to get at what she's thinking about. However, most Hindu's (I am one-ish) tend to not vocalize prayers loudly.

Good to know as I didn't make it to the Jewish Museum during a brief one day stop in Berlin.

I found that scene jarring as well. I think I rationalized it as Jonas being a Magneto like Sensate. He's not exactly one of the good guys and there are layers of ambiguity to his character.

So I've been traveling and have not had access to Game of Thrones (and the internet in a somewhat unsuccessful attempt to keep myself spoiler free) for several weeks and I finally caught up in time for the finale. Holy fuck, what the hell.

"insanely powerful assholes whose human visages mask mind-destroying nightmares"

I'm amazed at this very brief overview of his wartime career. He sounded like a really fascinating man and I kind of wish I'd come across this stuff earlier. Maybe now they'll make a movie about his war heroics once the files are unsealed by the MoD


This is so sad. There was some discussion on this group about how he seemed immortal. I wish we hadn't tempted fate or DEATH as it were.

Where did you find that font?!

I think Iris has gotten a lot better towards the tail end of the show. As always, making her be part of the "in-group" re: Barry's identity has done wonders for the character.

Ohmygod, that's where she's from!!!! It's been bugging me this whole time. Thank you.

God, if they're going to keep insisting on making "book trailers" they need to not make them be the most cliched pieces of shit ever.

I figured it was FBI lady who shows up at the end of the episode.