
Okay! I spent my entire lunch hour hunting your comment down. I just finished the Rivers of London series and it was amazing! Thank you so much for plugging it. :)

Me three! Plus Mack's really grown on me. I really like his big, gruff, salt of the earth type persona.

Just imagine how much weird stuff is in the ocean now given Peggy pouring Cap's blood off the Brooklyn bridge. And now terrigen fluid. Didn't they check to see whether it was water soluble during their experimentation? Sheesh, those inhuman scientists…

I entirely agree. Dichen Lachman has so much natural warmth that it would have been too hokey for her to turn into same old scenery chewing madwoman. I liked that she played it simply and truly believed in her conviction that she was doing the right thing. I thought that the scene with Skye, Cal and Jiaying was just

That sucks. *much sympathy*

I'm SO haply for Agent Carter!!! (And Galavant)

You guys had the weirdest election coverage this time as opposed to the last time. I barely knew an election was happening before the Tories won. What happened?

BUT! He is the only one with that chiseled jawline… ;)

Totally agree but this doesn't explain why Gotham is so bad and The Flash is so much fun…

I would watch the hell out of that.

i.e. Courtyard by Marriott in Mexico

You are correct. He was definitely the sane man in a world gone mad on that show.

That is exactly how I felt! Simultaneously "ewww" and "dayamn". I also feel like Game of Thrones has significantly desensitized me to incestual (or pseudo-incestual since Felix and Sarah are not blood siblings) relationships on TV.

Well different strokes I guess. I agree the Donnie reveal was vaguely retcon-ish but it worked well for the character so I'm totally fine with it given that it made a previously boring and painful character so hilarious to watch.

Maybe this is because I binge watched it as one whole but I think while there was a lot going on in terms of plot, there was also a lot of resolution of whatever plot was going on. I definitely felt the first half of season 2 was way more disjointed and frustrating—Sarah was off on her own being random, Alison's

I quite enjoyed season two but I binged the whole thing very recently. I think the flaws would have stuck out a lot more if I was watching week to week. But yes, all the things you mention were awesome! In general, the latter half was much stronger than the first half, IMO.

He wasn't a crazy submarine captain! The government of the United States was crazy.

When they brought him back for Felix's big date last season I was wondering who the hell he was until my friend reminded me. It would definitely be nice to see him again!

Great breakdown. I do agree with most of the criticism that the show needs to be more grounded. I feel that the latter half of season 2 was much stronger than the first half and for precisely this reason. A lot of big mysteries got resolved and that was nice for forward movement of the plot.

It took me till about halfway through season 2 to get back into it but since I finished bingeing very recently I'm very excited for season 3.