
Deacon seems more the type to shoot first never mind about any questions. He doesn't really seem like smart enough to be an evil mastermind cult leader…more like a petty thug who is able to intimidate people enough to benefit from an inimical situation.

[Nikita spoilers I guess…:? Although, if you haven't seen it yet, you have only yourself to blame.]

Its been almost 25 since they started being published! I commiserate with you on your long wait.

Definitely! It's unusual to see a couple this tuned to a mutual goal on TV. It is quite interesting and makes them a fun dynamic to explore. The Shakespearean parallels are obvious on this show — Rhonda's role is very Lady Macbeth-y but that was the contrast I was trying to highlight…that she's not straight up evil

Are you still going to today watch? That episode was such a shock to me that I stopped watching and don't think I'll ever go back. She was a black, strong, intelligent woman and they killed her first! Bullshit.

Yes! And there was one guy in the comments who was like "the show should've said that she has a history of being treated like this. Why would she make such a big deal out of it?" And that is just bullshit. You can be treated unfairly every day of your life for years (and as a minority and a woman I've definitely

I think that earlier period of hate watching has permanently negatively impacted my view of the show. Its hard to mentally scale back from Thud Slabmeat!

I was being flippant and trying to make my point funny. I also was not trying to be dismissive of your point. But I do think sometimes that all of us on these comment boards have a tendency to over think. I've been told many times "its just a show, get over it" and I recognize that what is a big deal to me may not be

Yes, that would be super fun! Rogelio with anyone is super fun. It seems difficult to imagine right now though.

Lol at SVP of barging into meetings. Cookie needs that on her business cards, stat.

Lol no I haven't. I'm not much of a one for American sports. I stick to football (soccer) and cricket.

I probably should. Thank you for the info!

Let me rephrase. I most certainly did not mean to imply that bipolar disorder made Andre evil. I also dont think his soapy scheming is necessarily evil. It is just soapy and part of the fun of a show like this. It doesn't even need explanation but what explanation is provided (however improbable) adds shading to

Oh I'm not wedded to it being like the Matrix. I just want a fun space-opera type movie. No great expectations. Just want it not to suck.

What is this 'most clutch' thing you refer to?

I want to listen to Dire Straits all day now!

My takeaway from dinner with Anika's parents was that Lucious is using her for her Dad's ability to give him a clean bill of health for the IPO. He might actually care for her but I don't think so. It would be nice to see how they were drawn together and how long they have been a couple.

Taraji has chemistry with everyone. I'm so glad she's back on TV.

I enjoyed the riff on "money for nothing" too. It's one of my favourite songs so I was distinctly wary but it worked…mostly.

Really? I've heard so many mixed reviews but I did really want to see it. It has Sean bean and Eddie redmayne and Wachowski's at least stay true to a vision whatever else you may say about them.