
I'm pretty sure it was a survival of the fittest training program. Only the best of the best graduated! And became black widows!

Ohmygod the hair and makeup was so annoying. Its like if you want someone to play the part of an anarchist hacker try to get someone who looks like they appreciate individuality instead of most the most generic, jocular, valley girl persona ever.

I definitely thought that was a missed opportunity!

I think all of the reasons stated here are valid to some degree. It can be a bunch of things. :)

Yes, she was to the point, pertinent and emotionally impactful. Great job, Atwell.

The show has been much better since he died. Its almost back to season 1 levels of fun for me.

Oh definitely! Me too. On that we can agree.

Except Dottie Underwood apparently!

Aw! Have you been bingeing it? I've still not gotten over this BTW but watching Taraji on Empire has soothed me a little. At least she is back on my TV and is playing an incredible and complex character.

Yes I definitely agree that they tried to make Skye too central too soon. It felt unearned for the character. In hindsight its understandable why they did but when your superhero is going to become one after 34 episodes, don't make her the twee-est, bestest thing ever. I never saw Bennett on Nashville so maybe that

The vest had a roast chicken pocket!

I love the addition of actual superhumans to AoS but I would totally be okay with ditching Chloe Bennett. She has improved this season but that's not saying much since she started out so terrible. Someone on last seasons AoS comment section labeled her a tragic mutant starbaby and its funny and true.

I'm still rooting for Peggy dammit and you can't make me stop!

Thanks for the recommendation! In my defence, I was still a toddler when it came out but I definitely need to watch it. :)

I'm kind of liking her on her own too much. :)

I don't know. I mean the Black Widows are well trained but they are still human. Same with Peggy. I'm gonna like the scene where they duke it out though. :)

Haven't seen it and just googled. Must watch it now!

I had that exact reaction while watching! Just g I need to see that again.

This made me chuckle.

Yes, I agree.