
Seriously? You're seriously saying had you known it was going to aire on tv five months later that would have been the tipping point for you?

According to:

Uh, Nick finding love with Lizzy Caplan? What show were you watching? He kind of likes her but is absolutely on the rebound from Lindsey. When that doesn't work he channels all his frustration into Dance and is immediately trumped by a Disco Magician (whom Caplan is quite impressed with).

Best Movie Wedding
The Godfather

Maybe you all know something i don't… and i know sometimes sarcasm can be hard to read in print…

Not seeing how audio editing and film equipment equate to evaluating the actual gameplay of a game. If i had complained about the reviewer failing to address the types of computers EA's programmers use, then the analogy would work. For me though, gameplay is actually the fundamental issue in games. I do think that

You Nerds…
The A.V. Club WOULD give a boxing game an A- for adding a story.

White Chalk
I for one ended up starting with white chalk, i was pulled in by the live autoharp version of "grow"

Agreed Douchechill, an entertaining film trumps minor inconstancy any day (as evidenced by 2 Pyros, 3 Kitty Prides, 2 Rachel Dawes, etc.), it's just always a little extra special when films can manage to keep track of and connect all of their dots.

I have no problem extending graces to the movie universe of the x men being a separate entity from the comics entirely.

Stab me once in the dark by mistake…
Shame on me… stab me 22 more times in the dark by mistake… well…

You really are as bad with names as you say you are…
i don't think this is even the first time you've called him david packert.
i swear we've been over this before.

Whip It
My wife and i enjoyed the movie well enough, but as pretty big roller derby fans we were pretty disturbed by the ending. Not for any thematic reasons, but it's a pretty glaring inaccuracy. juliet lewis' character calls off the jam after scoring a big round of points, except that ellen page beats her out of the

Iron Chef America?
Anyone…. Anyone!?

just in time
to make your article about him out of date.

I had no idea how sad i was about this. Don't get me wrong i was bummed out for sure, but last night when i remembered i went to tell my wife and when the words actually came out it made me tear up.

Pixel Jam
Have you guys thought of covering pixeljam.com for this column? Dino Run is my go to break time activity.

Yes Phony Pope! Good call! Silvertone! I wish i was alive back when you could buy a great guitar and tube amp at a department store.

So just so i'm on the same page with you King Bastard, these are both for the "things i want that most likely will not happen due to lack of money" list right?