
@Phrederic:disqus your written word impression of Jim Cornette so good. I heard his voice in my head the entire time.

I love that behind it all, the real reason John Cena wasn't ready to marry NIkki, was that he wanted to save it for a Wrestlemania angle.

Sooooo… Patton's in the trailer, but when it gets to the movies, it's just Jonah Ray and the puppets?

At 1:28, do those look like Lady Deathstrike fingers to anyone else?

Fair play admitting that I am completely high, but Naomi's entrance was amaaaaaaaaazing.

Not really a world changingily notable song or anything but Pete Yorn's live version of "June" is SO good and makes the original make more sense too.

Preemptively calling people out for being "afraid of change" doesn't change a bad design.

I don't think the lyrics are what AoGG is talking about (though "best of times worst of times… really?) by "songwriting".

NAKED pizza party

Is there any way to just listen to the damn song?

it really feels like one step above making a video out of an itunes visualizer

So basically Kanye made the world's most expensive dancing baby gif?

A Failure Pile (AYYY)

A Failure Pile (AYYY)

I personally think that they're playing it off as Todd is creepy, but i think the fact that it has the kid's prints, plus the fact that it had just followed a scene where todd tries to leverage his connections, for me, brings me to believe he's holding onto the evidence on purpose.

I personally think that they're playing it off as Todd is creepy, but i think the fact that it has the kid's prints, plus the fact that it had just followed a scene where todd tries to leverage his connections, for me, brings me to believe he's holding onto the evidence on purpose.

Calling it now:

Calling it now:

"fruit bat".

"fruit bat".