
Hey, Onion AV Club, I know you've got your own editorial brand relaunch thing going on right now, but you still might want to work on things like getting the spelling on Raymond J. Barry's name right. There's some other proofreading issues going on in that bolded question, but I'm sure you'll figure them out. Love, A

I'm also pretty sure she means Catherine O'Hara. You might want to clean that up for her, AV Club.

Not to disparage your college cohort's undoubtedly impressive Black Sabbath collection, but I'm not sure that Ozzy Osbourne has enough properly firing brain cells left to remember that he was even in the band, so surprising him with a rarity probably wouldn't be that much of a feat.

If you're seeing a lot of Mo Rocca, then you're suddenly looking in all the wrong places.

When NBC launches a new show featuring a co-star that's a monkey NAMED "Bear," then we'll know we're all the way back to the Glory Zone.

Once when Paul Feig was told that the reason "Freaks and Geeks" wasn't a successful show was because it was too dark, he responded by saying "Last week, someone stabbed Kellie Martin in the face on 'E.R.' and America loved it." That's the extent of what I know about that episode of "E.R."

Wow. You know other people who watched this?

Was Matt Pinfield really a beloved host? I know he presided over the show for a long time, but is that necessarily the same thing, especially during the extended atrophy that was MTV in the '90s? I loved "120 Minutes." Then Pinfield took over it and I found it almost immediately unwatchable, for many of the

Stealth feature
One of my favorite things about the Random Roles feature is that it often seems as if it's entire existence is to give the AV Club a chance to talk to every single actor who appeared on Deadwood.

The interviews that helped name a billion art-punk bands
I'm really looking forward to The Droopy-Eyed Armless Children releasing their debut album "I Blinked and I Cured My Brain"! It will be epic.

The next episode DOES look great
I could be wrong, but I think the exact line from the Chinatown diner was "Caucasian dim sum."

Season six does get pretty bad from here on (especially the next few episodes), but there's one more specific Doppelgangland callback coming this season, and it's fantastic.

a serious request
Dear The Onion AV Club:

Yes, it was great. Do not bother the Top Chef judges with your petty human emotions!

Queen Padma
Maybe I missed it, but has no one brought up the very best moment of the episode, when Padma dismissed the contestants with great irritation after their conciliatory hugs with Amanda went on too long for her liking. I hope this imperiousness continues to grow and "Pack your knives and go" is eventually

As a general rule, if you're constantly explaining the you're the alpha male in the room, you're not actually the alpha male in the room.

At this point, I'm not even sure why Kenny would be considered a front-runner beyond his continual insistence that he's the front runner. In six episodes he's been in the bottom three times. same as poor old walking wounded Stephen. For that matter, Angelo of the predicted perfect record who finds every ingredient

Same as it ever was
This is a nice idea and all, but it isn't going to change a thing. Variations on this request have been made for years. I don't even think this is the first year they've provided some sort of backstage alternative for the winners. Every year they make this request, and every year the winners ignore

Let's all go to Cheetah's
Amelie, I would just like you to know that the perfectly deployed quote from the great cinematic sage Al Torres has made you my new Interweb hero.