
Agreed. Saw them open their UK tour for the Winter of Mixed Drinks album in, I think, Bristol. It was some student union, only half full for god knows what reason, but it was a crushingly awesome, really long, hyperenergetic set. I also remember their opening band, Admiral Fallow, seemed to be attempting to straight

Tangent on the relative attractiveness of British vs. American tv actresses: She looked a hot mess in Luther, but is pretty in this photo. Compared to us airbrush-loving Yanks, British TV shows always seem to be uglying up their insanely attractive female actresses, perhaps for verisimilitude as most of the women I

I very much disliked her in Luther, as she was annoying as fuck, and her murder was much more interesting than she ever was. That said, she is a vaguely ethnic, reasonably attractive woman and will therefore fit in quite well on Game of Thrones. I also won't mind seeing her boobs. That is all.

I am very excited Mark Gatiss is involved in this. His period detective novels are awesome, and you know he;ll get the tone down for Sherlock. Also, Benedict Cumberbatch: most unbelievably British real name ever? I used to think it was Digby Fairweather but now I'm not so sure.

agree with the 'something to do with Jason' theory. Remember he was the one who said he checked it out and it was the roof, when in fact it was a creepy man. Also he comes from the internet, and is therefore not to be trusted.

double fuck yes. Also, are we certain the van guys were irish? I missed that.

I think it is HIGHLY likely that Don just got Roger really drunk and showed up the next day with his story all in check. That look, plus Don's determination and known deviousness, as well as the fact that we saw him presumably load Roger into a cab and back to work without a job offer, really sells that point for me.

I was just thinking that picture makes them look like they're on the cover of a Doctor Who dvd. Think of the crossover possibilities! Think!

man I really liked Keen Eddie when it was on. I think I was one of maybe 4 people who was sad it got canceled. It had humorous quips, british people, Siena Miller's hot young ass, what's not to like?

Does this need a spoiler alert?
Anybody else notice Matt Smith's Doctor seems to be ok with using guns now? Did shooting the machine get him over that, because you'd think that, dooming the Time Lords being the reason he doesn't use guns in this incarnation, that effectively dooming them a second time would sortof

"Are we still talking about murder?"
"I'll hold my hands up. Those last three examples were specifically about farting."

the best cheap beer I've ever had is Jacob's Best. I went to school in KY, and it was always like 10-15 bucks for a 30 pack(incidentally, why do only cheap crap beers come in 30 packs). Haven't seen it since I left though. Tasty stuff, got me through many a night in college.

Out here there's a local liquor called zivania, which I think means "will probably kill you". My grandfather-in-law cooks up a batch every fall using the time honored still (or rusty-looking barrel) and the finest filtration techniques known to man (or pouring it through an old rag). It's damn near everclear strength

I'm glad other people are confused as shit about Sue's attempts to take down glee club. Let me state now that Jane Lynch is hilarious as always, and her portrayal of Sue is awesome. That being said, Sue is the worst written recurring character on the show. She just randomly hates on glee club for no stated reason, and

just wondering
I will probably never watch this show ever, but just as a matter of interest how often does he make an extremely serious face and look into the camera and deliver some kind of "message". Because that's unintentional comedy gold right there and I might have to tune in.

Irish McIrishy Jr. did punch her right in the cunt, didn't he? That was funny.