Andrew Ryan

Yeah, I know - but two appearances already might be pushing it!

Graham Linehan says Ayoade wouldn't do it cos he hates long passages of technical dialogue.

Thing is, he's already played two different characters in the Whouniverse.

@Willoughby - I think they often sign contracts before the first movie. But you're probably right that salaries often rise.

Is that right? I thought that often they're happy for a sequel to make less than the first. They make sequels cos they're less likely to flop than a non-sequel. You'd rather a near-sure thing sequel that will very likely make a $50m profit than an unknown proposition that might make $100m but equally might lose most

I don't get it. I've tried googling about it, and am still confused.

"The end scene of An American in Paris is 15 minutes of expressionist ballet set to Gershwin"

He was always skinny!

I tried jacking off to it once, and there was VERY little in there that provided any 'material'. Most frustrating.

Could you tell immediately that she'd had proper classes, or did you just assume she was naturally gifted in that department?

I once laid out a magazine article about concerns for pensions tiers, and "Fears for Tiers" was my headline. I also did an article on students paying off their loans with the headline "Shorn of the debt".

@avclub-abc17a0aa882e6e17f402bd59a4090bc:disqus I hold it up with American Werewolf In London as examples of the peak of practical effects. CGI just can't (at least currently compete) for that real, random, splatty, messy effect. And while you know that it's obviously an effect, some part of your brain knows that

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus Really? I didn't know that. I did note that Morricone had apparently written a very 'Carpenter-esque' score. Wiki says:

@avclub-6956968b560a7eb499ca03a8b3b43189:disqus Oops! I missed out the word score. I perhaps I wrote script INSTEAD of score. Edited it now.

"But if poking fun at people from Iran…"

"has society really changed so much a heterosexual male would be totally cool with his girlfriend being born male?"

The April plot didn't strike me as being offensive. I don't mean that it didn't personally offend ME as a straight white male, I mean that I don't get that it should offend anyone. The trans April isn't portrayed badly. It's not even necessarily a joke on Douglas's failings, it's just a joke about him failing to hear

The Thing's acting is uniformly great, no? Lots of fantastic character actors on top of their game, as I recall. The Thing is perfect, what with the Morricone [score], the script and the Rob Bottin effects.

@avclub-b750f74544cb00c138079607276995e9:disqus  The word 'yet' there is pretty ominous, and reminds me of that discussion of the word in High Fidelity.

I watched Source Code recently. The set-up is very similar to Quantum Leap – a scientific process allows a guy to inhabit someone else's body to change something in the past. The film-makers were obviously aware of the connection, as the hero's dad is voiced (during a phone call scene) by Scott Bakula, who even says