A Magician Named GOB

Hear, hear. The show hasn't been this good in three seasons. Why AV Club continues to shit all over it is beyond me. Well, that's not true. It's a comedy that's been on the air more than three seasons so it must be terrible. As much as I love Parks & Rec, I think 30 Rock has been the most consistent of the "Must See

You see, his username is "Chairman of the Bored." Carrot Top was in a movie called "Chairman of the Board." In a very famous Late Night clip, Norm Macdonald was making fun of Courtney Thorne-Smith and for co-starring in this movie. When Conan challenges Norm to make fun of the name of the movie, he replies that board

Why is Todd allowed to venture outside of "Community"? Perhaps if this episode had 1 or maybe 30 or more pop culture references (meta) it would merit a higher grade. Todd, please stop reviewing Parks & Rec. Thanks.

The ice rink scene is funner than anything Community has produced in 2 1/2 seasons. Good lord. I'm still in pain from laughing.

I meant 5,1,4,3,2.

Finale bumped this for me as well:

Oh right, the guy with the Arrested Devlopment username is gonna get his hopes up.