Rick Forsythe

I remember being shocked at just how brutal this was. Everything just went for a ball of shit.

I've never been a big reader of comic books - sure as a teenager I enjoyed reading the occasional 2000AD or Lobo but that was the extent of it. For some reason about six or seven years ago I picked up a copy of The Watchmen collected series and I really enjoyed it as a literary work and not as some sort of comic-book

I really enjoyed The Watchmen film. It isn't perfect but it is remarkably faithful to the comic in tone, style and themes. I'm also not sure realistically what they could have done differently to improve it.

I can't help but feel like either I've gotten old and I've changed or Dan has been phoning it in for the last few months.

This is what happens when you let people born in the 90's comment on a grown up website.

Books : My father without a doubt. Growing up we had access to a huge library of books he'd collected. Mainly Science Fiction (SF) from the golden era between 1950-1970 but also Fantasy and non-Fiction. My favourites were always the short story SF collections.

I'd have to say McLusky's Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues on McLusky Do Dallas. It's a balls-to-the-the-walls insane statement of manic intent. The rest of the album just delivers.

Jesus Christ, dude, I need a fucking hug just reading that story.

I think that I grew out of the Eels at some point. They're obviously making the same music as they always have but I've just progressed from the phase in which I could wallow in self-indulgent mopiness.

Or he could always choke down a shotgun and hope he gets reincarnated as Bill Hicks.

Just leave when he brings the chainsaw out. I, for one, would hate to lose you O'Neal.


Yeah, sure, but do you have to be such fucking retards about it?

Jesus, fuck, no man. Put that shit away.

She's not nearly as hot as the chick in the Fallout fan films and the Dragon Age series is nowhere as well written or acted either.

First kiss was to Trip Like I Do on the Spawn soundtrack and first joint was also August and Everything After oddly enough.

Between this dude and that Austin Powers psychopath I'm really starting to distrust fat actors.

My vote has to go to Larry Clark's 1997 film Kids. It's utterly brutal and unflinching in its portrayal of New York city teenagers and really doesn't go for the happy ending because sometimes a happy ending just doesn't exist.

The alternative is to be burned on the stake for having a sexist depiction of helpless women so do you blame them?

I've always been fascinated by the idea of people getting overly excited about blurry, half nude shots of celebs when they can find HD, crystal clear shots of even hotter women being annally penetrated by horses online. Really people, go big or go home.