
It said, "DON'T".

Those have built in mics too.

Did I miss something? I thought Mike's daughter-in-law was simply crazy with the gunshot business. Like she actually believes it happened because she is losing it.

This is good, but of course then there's…my book.

Do the Chickens have large talons?

Do the Chickens have large talons?

I figured the pills that Fring took were more likely activated charcoal. The charcoal adsorbes the poison so your digestive system can't, especially effective if you puke it up later. Emetics work too fast and you can always make yourself throw-up the way he did, with his fingers.

I think he could bust Gus and still not know Walt is Heisenburg.

Mostly, this movie will be shit. Mostly.

She has some wonderful morning buns.

Betty, Sally and Gramps?
I thought they might be setting up Betty's late father as a creepy pedobear. Just when the therapist started asking questions about Betty's first foray into rubbing one out, I wondered if it was going to go that direction. It didn't really follow up with anything, but it might explain some of

He may have terrible taste in women as far as sanity goes. But come on, Betty Draper is one hot dish.