
Well Bright Eyes is from Omaha….just kidding. Bright Eyes fucking sucks.

Titus Andronicus
I can't stop listening to The Airing of Grievances. Thought for sure this would make at least somebody's list on the AVCC.

I can appreciate the purity of just showing the 20 most popular videos and the world and the accompanying disgust. What I can't appreciate is vloggers; fred, natalie or otherwise.

I too once watched a fred video. *shivers*

and by "you" i meant the Queen's "you," not you specifically, Bob.

basically, if humans ceased to exist tomorrow, what kinds of dogs would be able to survive without us? i realize this doesn't totally jibe with my list (pit bulls, and chows being more than capable of handling themselves), but the list was the canine equivalent of choosing teams for red rover. this isn't my only

It was a strategic choice based on ratings. They needed the brothers feud for the finale and Kevin is clearly the top chef, so bye bye Jen.

funny, i don't think the word "hate" appeared once in my list. Or even "dislike." In fact "least favorite" still implies at least some level of affection.

I'm willing to give any dog a chance, no matter how ridiculously tiny or yappy they are, i'm just partial to the hounds, especially my dachshund, who (in complete agreement with Stevens assertion) i would also choose over 98% of the people I've met.

God help me, yesterday in line at Walgreens I picked up the fireplace DVD and actually considered buying it. It was only $2.

Here's a list of my favorite dogs:

If you watch Revenge of the Sith and play Make Believe together they sync up.

Dead Sea. Bring it Columbus.

That's a universal truth if I ever heard one.

I Just Threw Out the Love of My Dreams is an amazing jam, Kielbasa. i remember paying a hefty sum to get my hands on all those b-sides back in the day.

you're a pig, you're a dog…stop stealing my name.

protein-rich marrow. nice.

Philip K. Dick is the David Lynch of the literary world: Annoying in large doses.

In my quest to read every Hugo Award winning novel, about the third book I hit was "The Man in The High Castle," which I have to say was only moderately good, and has not encouraged me to pick up any subsequent Dick novels.

nevermind. thank you internets: