almost silent bob

Also, back then these assholes at least had the decency to wear hoods. That implied, if not some level of shame, at least a fear of reprisal from the government or fellow citizens. Now they march openly and proudly in the streets.

Chatbot: Bonjour!

I heard that when it's legitimately bad legislation women senators have ways to shut that whole thing down.

I used to think that too, but then I was talking to a guy that worked at a local craft brew and was giving him shit about packaging in cans. He said "If you don't pour your beer into a glass to drink it you're doing to wrong so it doesn't matter what it comes packaged in. Meanwhile, cans seal out air and light

I think Baby Driver suffered from my unrealistic expectations. I LOVE Edgar Wright movies and I everything I saw about Baby Driver made me think it would be his best one yet. I ended up thinking it was a pretty good Wright movie. That still means it's better than 99.9% of movies out there, but when I was expecting

Part of the problem is the "Dark Universe" was already done. It's called Penny Dreadful and it's pretty great. Maybe if they got Eva Green to be a mysterious horror tinged femme fatale they'd have something. Otherwise, no sale.

I'll let the boys from Dethklok tell you what's metal.

Thumper is a fantastic game. The only problem I have with it is it's very difficult for me to play casually. I'm not good enough to just pick it up after not playing for a while and do well, but I'm not always in the mood to grind a level to perfection. It can be frustrating. But few games are as satisfying as

What I got from the article is that he technically has the power to declassify anything he wants which makes it not illegal. However, it is EXTREMELY damaging with our allies to give out info that you aren't supposed to. If the U.S. becomes known as the office gossip, no one is going to tell us shit. What a stupid

I think the best way to sum up the McGill brothers dynamic is that Jimmy often does the wrong thing for the right reasons and Chuck often does the right thing for the wrong reasons. I think that's why they are so polarizing (and why the show is so good). Whether you care more about actions or the intent of those

Have you ever been in a Turkish Prison?

Would Pence really be any better though? At least a lot of Trump's shitty ideas are being thwarted by his incompetence. The same might be true of Pence but I'm not sure I would want to find out.

My rule of thumb for IV reviews is to add one letter grade to his including wrapping around from A to F. He likes that weird plotless impressionistic shit so if he's giving it an A, I'll probably hate it.

I just want to know if the same Russian Women's team will be back. I like curling already but everything is better when you also get to ogle some hot Russian chicks.

The real takeaway from this article is humans collectively only weigh around 287 million tons? As someone who lives in Wisconsin, I find that hard to believe. The midwest alone has to be at least 100 million tons.

I don't disagree about making the episodes good on their own, but what highly serialized show would you just watch one or two episodes from? There are some pretty great Breaking Bad episodes but I couldn't see myself watching a random one and calling it a day.

I still feel lied to about the amount of genital to genital contact by the extras. Otherwise it was pretty great.

Did no one else see Grant move his foot under the covers at the end before the camera zoomed in on his creepy sociopath smile*?!?!

I though Tarkin looked good in some lighting and not so good in others. Considering how big a part he had, I thought it was mostly a well done effect.