
No more Flimflams!
So this was the second show I saw this week that used the term flimflam. Even though Patrick Stewart said it best Neil Patrick Harris and Alyson Hannigan both knew the key to making flimflam sound funny is to say it really fast.

That is true growth as an actor there.

@Elib Looks like Buffy Season 8 proves you right about Buffy's ideal time.

It's one of those great moments where all your knowledge of the characters and the dialogue they're saying rush together and I realized only an instant before it happened what was going to go down. I couldn't even get the "Oh" in "Oh No" out before it happened.

I agree with the Koala, that one's the worst and hits hard because there's no warning. And the episode relies on our knowledge of the characters since they don't have anyone explain how Lorne's powers work.

It's too late…I've seen everything.

Since I'm watching these for the first time, but knowing the broad strokes of what happens, my issue is it seems Spike is like an ex-boyfriend preying on Buffy's insecurities to get her into the sack. I'm not sure why any woman would swoon over getting smacked around. It plays into that women fall for the bad boys

Ooh, I have that X-Men figure of Nightcrawler. I got him when I bought X-Men for the Genesis since they had a deal where you get a free figure. He still suction cups near the Genesis where he's been since the early nineties.

I used to always see the Dodgeball episode of the Simpsons where Lisa is depressed. And that one episode of Friends where all the friends are stuck in Monica's bedroom while Ross and Rachel break up. I hate that one!

At the time I always thought it was odd that Terry Farrell would choose not to go that final season because once she gets to the end she gets to be in all the DS9 movies and everything! Of course history has proven her agent is much smarter then mine, non-existant one, because she has two syndication checks in the

No, it's cool. Romulans are always making genetic clones and artificially aging them just in case that person they clone just happens to become an important enough person to replace one day. That sounds totally believable, right?

Since the last DS9 episode I watched was the one where Keiko stood up to Vedic Winn I'm in the camp that was happy to see the O'Brien's wedding this week. She had a great scene alongside the moment where Sisko tells Jake that even if we don't agree with an individuals belief we should still respect it. After growing

Tell your sister you were right…
Good catch on Picard's wedding speech being an homage to Kirk's. I think Trek will repeat this at least once more

On my recent re-watch I listened to the commentary for Truth or Dare, mostly because I was too lazy to change the disc, and Monica Keena was right there mocking her performance for most awkward make out. Seth Rogen talked about his plans for a Season 2 which would have involved Rachel more, mostly it just seemed like

I had no idea Netflix pulled Tron as well. Good thing I got it 10 months ago from them and watched it. It's like I remembered, neat visuals but goofy story. I could never figure out why they would want to make a new Tron , and why people seem to be so excited about it, especially since the ones most excited about it

Having grown up reading Stan Lee in the letter pages of comics it's always a great feeling reading that unique 'voice' on his Twitter feed. I will be geniunely saddened when he's no longer around. I guess I'll take consolation in being part of his nation.

At the house we like to say "I wonder what his wife/sister thinks about all this?"

Man, they really screwed the Poochie
"Dexter, I have to return to my home planet because I'm only a special guest star."

@Rowan Oh man, I just got that joke. Which officially makes me a geek, and not a very fast one either.

Piranha 3D was my very favorite movie this year that I watched 3 beers in. It's the way I recommend everyone see it that way.