Good call on the party in Rushmore. That was going to be my choice as well. Who wouldn't want to go to a Max Fischer party? And I approve of his choice of decoration.
Good call on the party in Rushmore. That was going to be my choice as well. Who wouldn't want to go to a Max Fischer party? And I approve of his choice of decoration.
"There's Jehovah's Witness Bay."
"Thanks for throwing that in there."
I think Deanna being in a relationship with Riker would have clued him in much quicker. Sure the neural probe could get the gist right, but replicating a relationship that intimate, that he had already experienced once, would have been much more difficult and he'd have noticed something was wrong much sooner.
Shall we end this charade?
Oh man, I should totally make that stupid portal/disc/laser game thing for phones. Of course I don't have a lick of programming skill so now I just want someone to make that.
@ToddG What we got back…didn't live very long.
Actually Troi had my favorite moment in the shows this week. When she asks Riker what he wants for his birthday and he just checks her out. I don't think I quite noticed that when I was 12. It was a nice moment of levity that reminded me why I like watching these characters.
I just got the Blu-Rays of TOS movies for a great price on Amazon so I watched TMP for the first time since I was a kid. I always felt this film came the closest to replicating the feeling of the spirit of the original series of seeking out new life, which is obvious since it's the one Roddenberry most had his hand…
It was interesting they made the alien boy look like a classic grey alien from our own UFO stories. I can just imagine Picard's dissaproval when they beam Riker back. "Will, you brought a Grey? You know what they like to do with probes."
I love that it's not even ten steps and Picard is way off the angle his arrow is pointing too. It's like he wants to get killed. Maybe he knows spending time alone with Wesley is worse psychological trauma then becoming a Borg.
Did anyone think Steven and Lizzie going to the speech was better handled then his invite to Lizzie to the movie? I guess it makes sense either way since she thinks Steven just wants to be friendly but it always felt like having Marshall and Rachel show an interest in the concert it seemed more like a group outing and…
I'm pretty sure this came out when I worked at a theater. I would have been low man on the totem pole and not able to sneak into the theaters to watch a quick clip. But one day back then I did get to help a customer bring food into the Glimmer Man. The time it took to walk down 7 rows and back to the door was all I…
Exactly. Poor guy can't catch a break since Angel.
Really? I thought the cat burping and farting was necessary for character development. It may have been my favorite part of the episode. But then again I'm the type of person who still really likes Mexter's Joe Montana SNL joke.
Actually it was an amazing night for ASU when they blocked two extra point attempts from their rival to win 30-29 in double overtime regaining the Territorial Cup. So no matter what Jack Donaghy has to say, it was an incredible night for ASU.
Remember when he was all like "But I wanna go to Toshi Station to pick up some power convertors!"
But what if this movie inspired the TNG finale? It's like the chicken and the egg Urgh, the chicken and the egg!
There's the episode where Norm hurts his back painting Fraiser's townhouse and is taken care of by Lilith there. By the end the whole gang is there turning it into a satellite Cheers.
Cold Blooded!
My favorite little moment in "Legacy" is the way Data reholsters his phaser after stunning Ishara. He just puts his knee up on the console, whirls the phaser like a pistol and slams it home. I'm all "Damn Data! Your piece is still smoking from capping that bitch!" Or stunning that confused young lady.
Zombie Wash: "Space brains!"