My Nuts Then My Sack

Hey played that guy in the the last two Bond films. You know, the CIA agent, or something like that. You know, the black one.

Well, my dad died a few years ago, so my mom could probably use it. So thanks!

Jeffrey Wright
Jeffrey Wright is one of the best actors of our generation and yet he never gets the spotlight. He would totally knock this bitch out of the park.

Somebody give this fucker a website!

Yeah….Sarah Rue in that movie…..MOTORBOAT!

Saying "a Katherine Heigl" movie would have been sufficient enough since the implication that the movies are bad is already there.

'Mumblecore' the TV show
Is Seth Rogen going to be in this?

Julie Benz in tight running pants
Really, that is the only reason I have left for watching this show.

Quick Question…
Is it possible to motorboat a booty? Because I'm telling you, that is what my dream is. My one and only dream.

I don't know, I didn't find it boring at all. I think Kurt is the most interesting character so I liked slowing things down and following him around for a bit. Plus I have to admit, I found the scene where Kurt opened up to his new friend that the jock dude who kissed him was actually his first kiss. I found it

CSI? Never seen it. Dead Set? I don't even know what that is. Supernatural? I'm not gay.

You all are a bunch of nitpicky twat holes. First and foremost, who gives a shit what happened in your funny books. It has been made clear from day one that this will deviate from your holy tome.

An "F"?!
The Brittney Spears episode to me was hands down the worst thing ever. I just want to put that on the record

Interesting Review
You know, I was going to outright ignore this album. But thanks to this review, I just bumped its status up to "warranting an illegal download".

@sarCCastro - I totally got your Eric Stoltz joke. I forgot to comment on it though.

Replies to all above:

Sufjan is angry on this album. And his anger is best represented with blips, farts and autotune.

The "F" bomb threw me for a loop. I had to shoo my child out of the room. "Sorry sweety, daddy is listening to some Tipper Gore baiting shit all up in here!"

I can stimulate a dog with my leg. They should put that in a movie…a dog humping a leg. I've never seen that in a movie. I also have never seen a movie before.

Why isn't Robert Rodriguez directing it? He could shoot that bitch for a cool mill. And then on the Blu Ray extras, he could show you how to make Hobbit enchiladas.