My Nuts Then My Sack

To keep it really authentic, the charcter of Jareth will be wearing tight tight pants to perfectly display his monster cock.

Eric the Midget!!
He's club fucking footed you jackass!!!

Brothers and Sisters!! More wine?!

Does your girlfriend shout that during her climax? Because I have to say…..awkward!

Craigslist. Maybe you could trade them for a handjob. Oops, they don't have that section anymore. Maybe you could trade them for a *wink* *wink* *wink* toaster.

*scratches ass*
*takes long sip of vodka tonic*
*sits on couch*
*lifts leg*

I admit to nothning!!!

Rim? Wait…what is that? Is that….oh wait….oh no….oh dear god no.

I think he was masturbating. I also think he was cumming in his pants at the school assembly. I went from finding the "Jew-fro" kid mildly amusing to never wanting to see that creep again. Seriously, he just creeped me the fuck out and made me feel uncomfortable.

The best thing he has put out in an awfully long time? What a backhanded compliment considering his last proper release was over five years ago.

I have no problem with electronic music. In fact, I downright love it when it is done right (as is the case with this years Four Tet release, a sure contender for year end lists). But to my ears, this is electronic music with no purpose. Blips and farts thrown in just to do it instead of adding to the music. What

Why does Cox keep getting his wang waxed in every review?
The last I heard, Deerhunter was a rather collaborative band. Yet every review is like Bradford Cox….blah, blah, pump, pump, splooge.

Sorry, the new Sufjan record sounds like the dude is jerking off with a new MacBook pro. Why must all musicians go through the electronic music phase and insert their tunes with blips, bloops and farts?

Holy shit, put a cat in a croissant and I think you may have something.

Howard the Duck ride is nothing but duck tits. Actually, the name of the ride is "Howard the Duck: Duck Tits".

Anybody remember Bradley Cooper when he was on Alias? He was actually good in that. He was also good in Wet Hot American Summer when he took it up the ass from Michael Ian Black. You just knew someone that pretty had to be a bottom.

If the Wire had won this year, I would have fallen out of my seat. Only because it would have been evidence of time travel. That and my chair at home is broken.

The worst part is, Matthew and Lauren are supposedly a couple. Why did they seem like they had just met a few minutes before they stepped to the mic?

What about Howard Stern?!?!
Baba Booey!Baba Booey!Baba Booey!Baba Booey!

I've heard this a few times now and it has grown on me big time (I had an advanced through a friend). I feel it lacks the progression of Ta-Dah and I have to say that turned me off at first. I liked the macabre sections of that album and the nods not only to 70's disco but to tin-pan alley as well.