My Nuts Then My Sack

40 books?! Now I know that's a lie. I don't even think there have been 40 books written. I mean, there are the 4 Twilight books. What else is there?

What if you want to jerk off in a public bathroom?!!? Ha ha, now you must feel pretty dumb for not using the Internet on your phone.

I heard you can get ear herpes from the new Evo phone. Ear herpes!!!

Oh holy hell I agree with every word of this review. My wife and I love Glee. We root for it and yet at the start of every episode we can't help but ask each other, "What Glee will we be getting tonight?" The show is a mess more often then it is not. The funny thing is, I have given up on shows with the same track

Cougar Town is a suprisingly funny show. It is consistently B+ material.

I found it topical. Then again, I just woke up from a 47 year coma yesterday.

Rusty?! Rusty?!?! Is that you? You cranky caller you.

I was in talks for this too, but this was to be a fluffer on the set. Wait, we're talking about the auditions for "Cram It Up My Shitbox vol 18", right?

Old Gregg has a downstairs mixup

I saw them there too. I liked the show until GG lunged poop at my head.

I am not sure if Universal is in the best financial place right now. They lost a lot of money on the Wolfman.

You really dislike the Beatles? I don't understand that statement. That's like saying you really dislike getting your cock sucked by three Thai women in a gas station bathroom. It makes no sense.

I prefer Lauren Graham's ass. I wish there would be a show just about that.

You either like Spike Lee movies, or you like Tyler Perry movies. You can't like both. Unless they both start directing anal porn, then yeah, you can like both if that happens.

Guys, don't be fooled. That isn't Jason Reitman above, that is really Arsenio Billingham.

135) Is secretly out patrolling the streets for some cougar poon under the guise of "shooting" "a" "documentary".

I always wanted to visit New Zealand. I heard it is one of the 10 best places in Australia to visit.

I want to explore the space between Serena's legs. Hmm…..Serena….Gossip Girl…..loose teens…..Mmmmmm

Electronica? As in "I'm a Firestarter"?

I agree sunglasses. I too am dancing like a maniac. I have a two year old daughter and she does this primal tribal dance when I put this album on. If that isn't and endorsement, than what is?