My Nuts Then My Sack

The second half of your cock is pretty awful! The first half, not so bad. But then it gets all bendy and veiny.

Holy shit, I can't believe how much people are talking about the lyrics. Since when are straightforward and simple lyrics a bad thing? I would rather hear that than jumbled heady self-important shit that says too much without actually saying anything.

Are you fucking kidding me? I literally almost died choking when I saw this (I was eating breakfast and watching it on my Tivo this morning). This was beyond words incredible.

I agree with the milkman. There ain't nuthin' RPG about this. Throwing chickens and running around with a sword does not make an RPG. It is straight up DS style adventure.

The fact that two of the playable characters are generic toads just illustrates how boring and unimaginative this game is. Two fucking toads? Really Shigy?

"His chubby idiot friend needs to die, and fast." Best line in a review ever.

What the fuck is this Firefly shit?! What a bunch of fucking nerds.

I don't know why, I am fully in love with Mindy.

you see, white people are fucking great!!

I blame the Kenneth effect on the show's decline in quality. Seasons one and two, Kenneth was there and then gone. Funny line and then "BOOM", gone for the whole episode. Since then there have been countless story lines devoted to him and his retarded exploits. We get it, he is from a backwoods area. Blah blah.

Midget porn. Now I know what I am going to do with my life.

The leads are weak? The fucking leads are weak?! YOU'RE WEAK!!

Don't blame AVC for you stupid fucked-upness

I agree Senator_Corleone, itwas actually a great album. Cedars of Lebanon and Breathe are both great songs and seeing them love is even better.

I love all of the U2 backlash. it seems like everyone hates them. Which is cool because I love them, which puts me in the minority, which in turn makes me fucking cool.

I agree 100%. I got it thinking it would be straight up action but instead it was a melting pot of other genres. So much of it was straight up strategy, which is fine. But I was hoping to straight up axe fools!!

Well what the fuck? Does or doesn't Suncoast video have Independence Day for sale???

Well since my penis doesn't move during these scenes, I would say staggering.

My nickname for this show is "man ass". Seriously, the amount of man ass in it is staggering.

I was in the shower this morning thinking of Oz. Then I dropped the soap….and then…(to be continued)