My Nuts Then My Sack

As mentioned above, it is in 4:3 format. On the Blu Ray you have the option to watch it the regular way (which would have simple black bars to the sides) or you can watch it in Disneyvision (I think that is what it is called). This replaces the black bars with various things that change through the movie. Curtains.

The drums on this fucking album!!
Dear god that is some heavy shit. My balls are still bouncing. God bless them. They really put out a fan-fucking-tastic album.

I had a wicked bad fart yesterday. REMAKE THAT!

I just don't like any of the characters. I think McHale is awesome but I just can't get into his character either. I am passing on this show. I know, your world, it is crumbling.

I really love this show. And I suprisingly really like Cougar Town as well. Some people are a little hard on, but I don't know, I have laughed through every episode and I really like the characters.

I agree that Olivia Williams is pretty sexified. But, I'm not feeling the new hairdo.

Regarding Miracle Laurie….can we all agree that…..
She is sex defined? Dear god, I thought women were only built like that in my dreams. So refreshing after staring at Echo's 12 year old boy build (aided by a great push up bra). Seriously, Miracle really is a miracle. Great actress and oh so easy on the eyes.

Fringe reminds me of Dollhouse in the fact that both shows started weak with lots of stand alone CSI type episodes instead of building on the premise of the show. Then both shows took turns in their midseasons and both became ABOUT something. I feel bad for people that haven't been able to stick it out for either

Thank goodness for my dual tuner DVR. Like Ronco says, "Set it and forget it." For real, I never know when any shit is on. I just check the Tivo and I'm like "Cool, I have a Fringe to watch!!"

Fringe is a poor man's X-Files? Why, because the "FBI" is "investigating" paranormal "events" that cannot be "categorized", so they are sorted into an "X-File" if you will. What the fuck man?!?!

The Santigold album is like two EPs slammed onto one LP. One of them sucks though. I like when she does her rawk, new wavey, glammy, psuedo-pop-punk thing. I don't like when she does her straight up MIA immitation, which unfortunately is half of her debut.

King of Kong is my favorite doc of all time. Especially since it features Funspot, the official arcade of my childhood summers up in New Hampshire' s Lakes Region.

He slammed Brooklyn and called out the "Pains of Being Pure at Heart" for being Pabst swilling cum monkeys….or something like that. Cold hearted muthafucka!

I will bet my dickballs that this show is cancelled. The way I can tell is that I laugh louder and louder every week. It is as if the TV people hate me and my face.

I tried to insert her….penis wise. But my HDTV screen kept on getting in the way.

Barrymore was amazing. I disagree with Rabin though about her abilities being limited. What is limited about her is her ability to pick good projects. She is has often shown that she can shine in the right project. This was definitely the right project.

I fucking blame most things on George Lucas. Because of him my parents named me Chewbaca.

I am sure any suck will be occuring between Jackman and a cock

This is the new Coke vs Pepsi. I can't wait for Slacker Zero and Crystal Pandora.

-What do you think of me?