
The constant "ha ha, we fucking hate Meg more than anything else in the world" business makes me think of a guy telling dead baby jokes, and at first it's sort of funny because ha ha, look how transgressive he is, but then he KEEPS TELLING THEM, and he's laughing at them WAY too hard, and you start to realize there's


@Ruttling Orange Peel

Community is okay, but Parks and Rec is much better. I'm sorry if this bothers you, but it's been conclusively determined by Science. Might as well just resign yourself to it.

If he hasn't yet hit the Simpsons barrier, he's damned close.
By which I mean, soon he'll have made more bad movies than good movies. Quite a shame.

Well, slow motion followed abruptly by explodey fast bits.

Oh, shit, pwned by "Elgroucho!"

That's an urban legend.

Yeah, me too. And that interview would've been AWESOME.

I prefer to call him "Visionary Hack," but yeah, definitely an oversight.

But yes, it's true, this twitter feed would only be a "prequel" if it was broadcast (or whateverthefuck) AFTER the episode aired.

I have to admit…
…based on that trailer, I sorta kinda wouldn't mind seeing that movie. Sure, it's probably pretty bad, but it looks like it would be bad in a self-aware way, and I find the idea of a western where the leads wear clown makeup for no apparent reason and nobody finds this even slightly remarkable to be

Agreed. Looks like we all learned a valuable lesson today. Well, maybe "valuable" would be overstating it.

What a twist!

…or possibly, the most dangerous game: ROBOT!

A good three quarters of all games ever made are cool if you like hunting the most dangerous game: MAN!



…which is NOT to say that I think eating meat is the same thing as taking visceral pleasure in blasting the shit out of animals. Fercrissake.

*Is a vegetarian*