E.Buzz Miller

My mom used The Weight by The Band sung by my sister.

Oh come on now. I may have been gloomy, but I didn't go so far as to say I'd be found rotting in my apartment because someone complained about the stink of my corpse.

Umm. I meant visiting my niece and family in Jersey guys. Sorry to make anyone think anything darker.

leave me alone to what i need to do


Puzo wrote a script that a handful of other writers molded into something that was watchable.

It was introduced under Byrne, during the aftermath of the Executing Zod thing. The later writers came up with the stuff about it becoming sentiment and recreating Krypton.

I somehow doubt that'll be notification worthy.


oh thanks.

Though the idea of a final laugh while people are forced to sit stone faced while 
either Cold Ethel or Love Shack plays kind of appeals.

Neither. I doubt anyone would attend, so it'd be a waste of money.

Been thinking about this question a lot lately for reasons I won't discuss.

Thanks. It kind of sucked that no one turned up, but I did get an amazing cake.

All I know is this seems a good week to stay away from this place. Too much fighting and yelling happening.

Compared to the other DCAU I mean. It's fine, just the weak link until Braniac and Darkseid turn up.

Just like the tar Kryptonite in Superman III might as well be Red Kryptonite.

No, no sarcasm. I was tired a little tipsy from celebrating with friends, and wouldn't have been able to reply right away.

Umm…you're aware they never made any reference to any of this stuff in the film right?
You can't expect people seeing a Superman movie to instinctively understand a concept that's not even primarily to do with that character, when the film never once mentions it.
That's not even getting into the fact that he presumably

I think it's a different courses for different horses thing.
Superman isn't Batman, or even Spider-Man, so trying to graft that onto him, because it was successful with them doesn't really make sense.