
Yeah Fireball, I loved Bonnie's character. The juxtaposition between her crippling shyness around adults and the precocious imagination she showed with her toys was just endearingly authentic.

Now that they're really desperate…
How long until ABC just gives up and greenlights 'Expose?'

wolfmansRazor, dare I dream of a Sex and the City spinoff starring Armond White?

But I wasn't commenting on the quality of his films, I was commenting on the notion that he's lost his relevancy as a filmmaker. Though I'm obviously biased as a fan of his work, I simply don't think that that's the case.

Yes Jason Sensation, because that is what I said. Your snarky powers of observation have truly cut me to the quick.

Yeah, he really screwed the pooch when he was involved in all those popular and well reviewed films. What a maroon.

I made it to "Jay is like Carson…" before I screamed at the tiny people inside my computer and forcibly pushed back the instinct to hurl my laptop across the room.

A Curb Your Enthusiasm porn doesnt's sound very sexy; having said that I look forward to watching Larry Shaveid kvetch over the proper social etiquette for a three-way.

So when will we find out that "Jeff Zucker" is really a fleshy man suit cobbled together from stray network executives and worn by the Evil Puppy?

Monkey Torture
Probably my favorite sketch from the show.

There was a very telling moment in tonight's monologue. After the joke about Conan and Leno battling it out to see who gets to leave NBC, Conan muttered something to the effect of "a very appealing prospect right now." It was certainly a more caustic note than ol' Conebone69 usually strikes.


I've only seen bits and pieces of this show..
But I will always love it for inspiring this video.

I don't think your sensitivities are off base Ernie, it's a bit of an odd description. As I recall there are several scenes of homoeroticism in the book (especially in the last third) but I don't recall any actual scenes of consensual gay sex. It's been a little while since I've read it though, so I could be

This is obviously a fairly big SPOILER for the novel, so don't read on if blah blah blah.