
I don't agree with you, but you amuse me.

I read that as flat dialogue and weak characters…course it works either way.


At this point, I'm weaving myself a resolution in which Ryan Hardy is a follower his own damn self. His commission: make the FBI look bad by getting as many people killed as possible.

I hate teams
I hate teams
I hate teams
I hate teams
I hate teams
I hate teams
I hate teams
I hate teams
I hate teams

So you're blaming us? Just to keep things clear…

So much this! I thought that was bad CGI.

I hate "teams."
I hate "teams."
I hate "teams."
I hate "teams."
I hate "teams."
I hate "teams."
I hate "teams."
I hate "teams."

When everyone fails so miserably, you have to look to the construction of the task, which piled challenge upon challenge with vindictive glee:

Your shame is my shame. No only would I not recommend it, I don't admit to watching it.

The Feeble Bureau of Investigation?

Fire the writers! Hire this man!

Loving this season, so far, despite the weak points. I found this a pretty compelling hour of television.

Ha! Leave to Lord Grantham to find a doctor less competent than Clarkson.

No poster enlargements! And for one entry, no poster thumbnail, even. For shame!

No poster enlargements! And for one entry, no poster thumbnail, even. For shame!

For goodness sake, the lightning on this show is going from bad to worse. There's authentic and then there's unwatchable.

For goodness sake, the lightning on this show is going from bad to worse. There's authentic and then there's unwatchable.