not bill

My issue with "A Band Called Death" was that they had record label interest, they had people that were wowed by their music and were willing to release it. They just needed to change their name. If they had changed their name things might have gone differently for them.

I'll give them a bass players union waiver. But going forward I'd prefer it to be a requirement. Pre-existing bands will not be affected by the new regulations.

I have a certain level of mistrust when it comes to bands that refuse to higher bass players.
I call it discrimination. Bass players matter. My dream is to start a bass players union and require every person who is considering creating a band to higher a someone who plays bass.

All I want for Christmas is…

That one guy who films all those great movies and the filmed Kevin Smith's Jersey Girl.

In defense of this thread, women tend to like dumb stuff, and this looks dumb, so I think the point that is trying to be made is: women will enjoy this show.

IT crowd does get better after the initial 4 or 5 eps.

Hey Subway Justice, do you like weeds?

Last time I went to comic con was 13 yrs ago. I saw Danzig, Gene Simmons and Rikki Rockett walking around the main floor (not together). I met Mike T.V. from WIllie Wonka. And my friend wanted to purches a Spawn Angela action figure with no underware for $50. I've never been back, because apparently it sold out.

I ordered a baked potato at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, (it was my first and only time eating there). Once it arrived I realized that it tasted about the same as a $1 Wendy's baked potato, but it cost me $12. It was then and there that I realized a baked potato is a baked fucking potato no matter where you order it from.

I think what he is getting at is, unless you were into American Splendor from the very first issue, than you have no business giving him any kind of praise. If you learned about Pekar through T.V. or a movie than you have way more to learn about him, because, if you'd been reading from the very beginning than you

I loved Ocarina of Time, and I still have my N64 and now my kids play it everyday. It never occured to me that she was annoying, in fact I barely remember her at all.

Fuck, I love Kraft singles…and cooking with lard.

Thankfully 11 years later it is still not cool to like limp bizkit.

I know this article has words, and sentences and paragraphs, and it's clearly trying to inform me of something, but I have no idea what I just read.

twist endings
I will not pay money to see a movie that has a "suprise twist ending, that you will not see coming." I don't understand why the trailer is telling me there is a suprise twist ending, unless they know the movie is not good and they are trying to trick me into seeing it.

Wes Anderson needs Owen Wilson as a writing partner. His stuff with Noah Baumbach feels like it's missing something.

The thing with Big Bang Theory, is I feel like someone associated with the show knows someone with autism and is playing the disorder for laughs. And by not specifically saying what Sheldon's deal is, they can get away with pointing and laughing at someone with a disability.

What do you mean they don't cover jazz? There's an article 2 headlines above this one, "Cap'n Jazz to play more show's in 2010". Stop your bitchin'.

Some of you may have misunderstood the point I was trying to make. Something about celebrating a long and full life. We're lucky he left a body of work that we can turn to and remember him. We should all be so blessed to live that long…