
Xenu keeps fucking calling me about tickets to see Air Supply. fuck that guy.

aw, Porkchop- My Man! your avatar pic just filled me with some serious fucking nostalgic happiness. God bless Opus.

*Owen Wilson Walks Out*

Shiva is my Accountant.

@Sig in GB- you're partly right. michael bay is one offender, but let's not forget what spielberg did to Indiana Jones and what lucas did to Star Wars. filthy, dirty things. if you aren't scarred by these things, then there's something wrong with you. also, i don't often do it, but i will site a SouthPark episode

AT least…AT.

it least he doesn't hate the jews…

alright, i'm sure it's already been said but….
Goddamit Ramis, leave Ghostbusters alone. Just leave it alone. every where i look, the things i loved as a child are getting bent over a hot stove and fucked with an angry badger. JUST STOP IT.
i can already fucking see jack black and seth rogen fighting over who gets to

…After one particularly nasty altercation, my mother's patience finally broke. Her fear was made manifest in her next decision: for me to be transported to beverly hills, california. I had an Aunt and Uncle there. I was not entirely familiar with them- our families had traveled "different cultural and class routes",

mommy, do sitcom characters go to heaven?

all i can think of now is "i know who killed me".
annnddd….yup- there it goes. a little bit more brain death.

whatever, man- i didn't see your name on…oh wait. there it is…right on the elk's left buttocks….

dude, PW- totally left my cell in there. mind diggin' around and checking? i would call it, but i think the battery's dead…well, maybe it'll work…

the curtains match the drapes, too, Isis…

so, um…well…
here's the thing- i was 'involved' with this movie (stalked the set) professionally (fluffer), and i will say, the actual version is quite a bit darker than your standard romantic comedy.


i also nominate 3rd prize for best possible band name with "Penis Sized Proportions".

mmhmm. the Emperor J is right. My J, Z, and left hand shift have never recovered. how did it get all the way over from J to Z, you might ask?
…well, let's just say I'm thorough. and i have a condition:

idiotking- thanks very much, i will take credit for that. i get one good one a year- glad you enjoyed it.

Epoch….as in the dude in the first Matrix that dies after having like 5 lines, right?