Red Rocket

I will freely admit that I don't particularly like Matthew Fox, and the first few episodes of Lost were really disorienting and unpleasant for me to watch. And the amount of pseudo-profundity toolbags I knew assigned to it. But once I got caught up via Wikipedia and started watching at Season 2 I had a much better

There's a thought though. This is fucking gold. Our fears and motivations leaving our body and becoming self-aware so that we can engage in discourse with them? Holy shit that's like a cross between David Cronenberg and Woody Allen. This guy's onto something!

Also, let me address this "Skylar kicked Walt out before she really knew what was going on "

"Skylar either already had an affair or at least entertained the thought of one with Ted long ago"
At least entertained the thought? What the hell are you smoking? She started working for Ted earlier to help support the family. "Entertaining the thought" does not make her unfaithful, the act does. Jesus. Jesus.

Andy Garcia is Cuban

Yeah, they seem cold and ruthless and methodical, but at the same time not too bright. Probably easy to knock off if you get them by surprise, but the problem is that they're well connected. But hell, even if they worked for me I'd be happy if someone offed them. They're fucking idiot savants at best

how the fuck can desperation be sentient? That's one hell of a mindfuck

"…the sentient desperation in the deep center of the American Experiment"

Man I agree that these posts are the fucking entirety of AV Club distilled in a single thread. A sincere, heartfelt (yet rambling, self-absorbed, whiny that comes close to missing the point of the original article) followed up by posts of sympathy-some dubious, some sincere, mixed in with a little vitriol and just

Don't forget the other Dr. Leary gold-Happiness is a five-second orgasm.

Allright fuck I dropped the ball on the ending of GF II yeesh. But agree on Sofia being a double bagger.

I mean, for casual sci-fi fans it is. I was under the impression that Stranger was the one people always thought of. Anyway, obscurity is not necessary, so whatever

J.B. A Play in Verse by Archibald MacLeish

More Serious Ideas
A Classic: Alice in Wonderland is actually a really fucking good book

Also, while I'm on Heinlen, Time Enough for Love is a Mindtrip

A lesser read Heinlen novel (Stranger is OK, Starship Troopers is pretty good), such as The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I highly recommend it.

Random Thoughts
Cien Anos de Soledad-English translation, of course
Vineland, Crying of Lot 49-too English 201?
Mao II

Ah so he did. My mistake then

And, I would like to add, Mark Diana. Guy's a little fucked up. First artist to get convicted of obscenity in this country. Boiled Angel is freaky, like a fucked up 80s MAD cartoon. R Crumb if crumb could get any crazier. The unfiltered shit that comes out of people's heads, amazing.

Love this guy
This guy's awesome. I've got a shitload of respect for this guy-he's like a sane, well-adjusted version of Bukowski.