Red Rocket

If you say so, I shall watch it. The dude made Splash right? Apollo 13 is good because it's in fucking space and they float and shit. Frost/Nixon was great melo docudrama. Fuck it I'll check it out

@ bunuel

In defense
of the Offspring. Sure, they're not the best punk. Arguably, they're not even good punk, necessarily. Pretty Fly for a White Guy was beyond self-parody and execrable on so many levels (including the music video-words cannot describe how horrendous that truly was).

@ dogstyle

Me too. As someone fresh out of college (professional school actually), I'm not quite in your situation but I know the feeling. Still alone, but I never thought I would feel this insecure until my real midlife crisis (I'm 28). Life is a crisis I suppose.

Zack-you express my sentiments regarding "embarrassment humor" perfectly. Unlike you, I like Seinfeld, but with reservations. I can deal with a character like Kramer being really fucking bizarre and weirding out people we don't know, but man, EVERYTHING involving George Costanza just made me cringe. I mean, I actually

Rape culture, patriarchy, etc

"that lots of people somehow "make it work" when people die and times are tough."

That is a really excellent post, but I take issue with one sentence

Also, I'm about 99% sure that Gus supports Walter's betrayal/murder of Tuco. We've seen that Gus was hesitant to work with Jesse because he was a drug user. Gus never would've worked with an unstable drug user like Tuco, and was probably secretly relieved when he found out he had been killed.

I mean, the cousins seem no better than outwardly calm and restrained versions of Tuco. Albeit much scarier, a guy who outwardly acts crazy and flips out and wears his sociopathy on his sleeve is marginally less unnerving than calm, quiet methodical and cold cousins. Psychopathy seems to run in the family, so I'm not

Of course, my opinion is biased, as a lawyer who works in criminal defense. Granted, there really ARE cases of legitimate company negligence and medical malpractice, and there are victims who really do deserve compensation, I would never argue otherwise. But for every halfway honest lawyer who has the ethical

That's really not how divorces work. Skylar would still get alimony even if she cheated on Walter. I mean, it would work out less in her favor, and Walter wouldn't get screwed as badly, but she wouldn't get absolutely nothing.

Oh no, I understand that Data is a not-so-subtle stand in for the humanoid species. And I buy Worf too.

I always got the impression that Data was the equivalent of Spock, in that the character, at least in principle, was meant to show the value of human emotion. But still, Vulcans are so much fucking cooler.

What was that episode where Picard and some other douche went out on a ship expedition and when they came back there was some sort of time warp or some shit and they got back and everyone was dead or a monkey?

Why were there no major Vulcan characters in TNG? We had no Spock equivalent in this series. Why?

What the fuck is wrong with TNG? Sure the first season or two were mediocre in plot/production values, but they were miles beyond the original (Nimoy is awesome, Shatner is a fucking one-note hack dickhole). The only better version was maybe Deep Space 9. And when they were good, they were fucking good. Patrick

Choke the book was awful. When will Palahniuk fans face reality and realize that Palahniuk is a hack. Invisible Monsters, Fight Club and Survivor are pretty good. Everything else is cookie cutter, vomited up factoids minimalist bullshit.

Oh come on. Yeah he's so fucking smart. This douchebag always insists that his character wears Armani. What about that is not douchy?