
Rahmbo is king of all the warmongering jackasses in the jackass party. For anyone wanting the Democrats to morph into a party for "good" in the world, let him keep being an idiot.

why thermopylae

Ed, I wasn't actually asking because I believe it would have been a better movie from the Persian's perspective. Another variation would have been why Thermopylae? Why not Cannae, Carrhae, Teutoberg Forest, Syracuse, Zama, or Marathon?

more history
First of all, that a movie is jingoistic does not make it Republican, or peaceful, Democratic. Both parties embrace the orientalist, pro-western, pro-war method of foreign policy. They just do it in different ways.

One of the most common threads in European cultural history is that it stresses East/West "clashes of civilizations." The West (Europe, and more recently America) is seen as the civilized world, the East filled with hordes of semi-naked barbarians threatening destruction. This is the lens through which

I'm gonna say that 1970 was better than 1969. But that's just me and my Fun House bias. I really remember the driving shouting of the year in 1970, followed by Iggy's wailing incoherent description.

Look it up. I swear to whatever being you worship, you will die laughing. Unicorn.

Well done.
I support the lack of a grade on this review. It needs none.

in terms of…
Dumb cop humor, how does this stack up with Super Troopers?

wood nymphomania
I'm pro-wood nymph as a section of our popular culture. Or possibly Rhine Maiden? How can we make this happen, Hater?

Hey AV Club guys, can we go back to the comment section that was a bit of a pain to use? The idiots have taken over.


guess not

That's pretty good stuff. I've been trying to get at intelligent discussion of the subject at the IGDA (game developers) forums, and that can be good, but it's not consistent. I also approve HIGHLY of the QfG4 avatar, that's one of my formative games. I'll check it out. Here's a link to my favorite thread from

The review does seem to be lacking a bit of the context of JRPG history, but honestly, the genre is virtually dead to me, and I was one of its biggest fans. I care about how the game stacks up against other games, not about how it stacks up against the incestuous JRPG circle of endless quests and powerups and

My problem with the sequels were not so much how good they were, but rather, what they did to the mythology. They're a good little action/SF story, but Hyperion was so much more than that, and also, Endymion changed/revealed so much of the original that it annoyed me greatly, and made me wish I hadn't read it

Scott, if you are at all interested in science fiction, The Hyperion Cantos (Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion) are by far my favorite works in the genre, and I used to be a huge SF nerd. They manage to combine all the best aspects of SF: philosophy of the future of humanity, interesting setting and

only major character?
Marky Mark was the only major MALE character, but Vera Farmiga's character was still alive, and she has the charisma to be a leading lady, in my book. She held her own with the big boys, and outacted all of them except maybe Leo.