Bawdy Petroglyph

With regard to Bedelia, it seemed like Will mentioned their meeting as a way of buying Hannibal's trust; I'm sure Hannibal had the same reaction you did, i.e. "she said what…? dude you KNOW I'm gonna eat her now, like, why even tell me."

Is this the Lucifer imagery Bryan Fuller was talking about in one of the interviews, or do we have more to look forward to?

So Will basically has a license to kill now, right? He went ice fishing with Jack Crawford and was like "I can catch Hannibal, but probably a lot of people will die, possibly at my hands," and Jack figured, sure, what the hell.

I was totally ready to retroactively declare my lunch an early dinner, then my mom showed up with McDonald's. It'd be weird if I loved this show out of some foodie affinity, right?

I was kind of bummed that we didn't get to check in on Jamm's secession concert. Think of the straw slurping that might have been.

Dude, no. I'm not talking about how bad the fictional women have it in 1990's Louisiana, I'm talking about how the show itself offers no pro-woman counterpoint in the text or in the framing of the show (save perhaps the madam of the trailer park brothel, which is saying something).

The problem here is that the show's writers felt the need to adapt a sex scene from the books as a rape. Particularly troubling in that the rapist is [spoilers] only supposed to get more sympathetic from here on in. You can see the difference between wanting to watch "neutered" television and not wanting a well-liked

Spoilers: The moment of truth for Show Tyrion will indeed come in the Tower of the Hand at the end of this season, but it won't be what happens to Tywin that decides it. Even if they hadn't made Shae an interesting character who isn't just a one-note golddigger, there's no way to love Tyrion again if he kills her.

There's no way the director or anyone else involved with this episode wasn't conscious of what they were doing. The frequently repeated protestations, the framing all show that Jaime raped Cersei. For the director to claim otherwise is just backpedalling.

Speaking as a big fan of the flawed masterpiece that was True Detective, the Emily Nussbaum article to which you obliquely refer with a straw man generalization was spot fucking on. The treatment of women on that show on a narrative level was mystifyingly bad, and what happened on GoT tonight was a breathtakingly

I totally agree, and it's a positive change from the books that I hope they continue with.

It's like they think that in order to license making Show Tyrion much more sympathetic (something they could evidently ruin at any random time), they have to make Show Jaime much less so. Remember when Jaime cold-heartedly, non-canonically strangled his cousin in that jail cell? And remember how Show Tyrion was wayyy

I saw him live in Toronto only a year ago, and he actually had me in tears during 'Yankee Lady'. I would've seen him again just last week, too. I've heard and loved his early recordings, but his voice really only improved with age; when an old soul turns into a soulful old guy, it's something special. He will be

I'll admit that I'm usually drawn to F's and D's on this site just to gawk, but I read these reviews because it's thrilling to see something like the above piece where the reviewer is confident enough to state "I watched tonight's episode, but I don't really have anything to say about it, because nothing really

Did anyone else catch that one of the prisoners interviewed by Peralta and Jeffords was a Pawnee town hall meeting regular, and he mentioned something about eating breakfast with "Mayor Leslie's dog"? Please correct me if I'm way wrong about that, but it seemed like a cute reference to me.

Deep respect for both Tanaka and Nakatsuka. Indeed, as far as NES games go, I'd say Metroid and Punch Out!! have the two best scores (and that's saying a lot).

Koji Kondo. The man composed the soundtrack to my childhood (and, I'm assuming, a lot of yours too). Given how sad the very thought is making me, I should probably make a point of seeing him perform live one day.

A-. I'm looking forward to a "Boyle's e-mail blast" gimmick poster emerging.

If you ever need an ego boost in the form of lots of people showing up to your parties, this is the way to go. Also, as fun as it is to have tables full of exotic sour foods to sample, buy bags and bags of lemons and limes, because people quickly realize they're the best and start eating them like candy (which should

I was willing to give him a pass on the encephalitis thing because it seemed (at the time) like Hannibal really thought that Will was better off with brain fever. Like he thought normal life was crushingly boring and at least Will got some freaky hallucinations out of the deal. But of course, in retrospect, it was