Acid Keg

Animated Kong with songs?
Already been done.

If you don't think the Samsquamtch is real you should talk to all those people he ate.

Sorry about that. I got confused when you were musing as to what Mohammed might look like in a South Park cartoon.

Interesting, but incomplete…
Aside from not mentioning Mohammed's appearance in "Super Best Friends" the article also fails to note that in response to the later censorship of the episode "201", cartoonist Molly Norris created a cartoon that inadvertently led to "Draw Mohammed Day." This lresulted in Norris being put

He can run around going "OWIE OWIE OWIE OWIE!"

Tom Hanks as Kaneda!
Morgan Freeman as Kaneda! Seth Rogen as Kaneda! Sandra Bullock as Kaneda! The new iPad 2 as Kaneda!

The creepiest thing for me
was that Kyle in underwear looks like a fetus or flipper baby or something. Seriously, no wonder he had that limb extension surgery to play basketball.

The big laugh will be on YouTube
When Hollywood's latest films all feature kittens and Rebecca Black anyway.

The mercury poisoning…just because Annie looks so darn cute splatted out on the floor.

Eye poking and throat grabbing?
Do the Farelly Brothers know about this?

Pure deception. Every time I've seen this show and a big cash number comes up, the look in Auntie Tilda's eyes say "I am so selling this on eBay before my bitch sister Norma catches wind of this."

Thanks Billy. Now I've got the image of Jeff Buckley being played by T-Pain goin' on.

I've been noticing a dislike of Hicks around here lately.
Forget Leary, I blame Alex Jones. He took what was Hicks at his weirdist and least funny and turned it into a cottage industry of Proto Glen Beck bullshit.

Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn

"Chillin' With Dot Com"

It'll be back in 6 years
As a movie nobody cares about.

How about Ray Romano in a sweat stained James Spader?

I heard the Great Gazoo wanted to do it but he was too busy playing Stewie on Family Guy.

"Ah ya porkypine! Remind me to kill you in the next melee round later!"

No skullet/