Acid Keg

That guy would loved to be called Figwit. Apparently here's his fan name:

is there a picture of Johnny Drama at the top of this article?

Look for nude scene on unicorn.

"Wedge Antilles: The Rebel guy who always makes it to the end credits"


Do you roll to figure out finger to eye damage?

Sean Hayes doesn't have the hairline for it.
Donald Trump instead.

A great series
Only slightly marred by the fact that Nathan has an expression on his face like an Image Comics supervillian circa 1993.

Watching Bart gradually turn into a gold toothed Kid N' Play haired Professor Griff was a wonder for the ages.

I'm with Drinky! I need something legit to read on weekends when I'm not downloading crazy amounts of porn.

In the wave of Simpsons merchandise in the early 90's
The wildest thing was all that increasingly afrocentric bootleg "Black Bart Simpson" stuff that I used to see all around NYC.

It's best not to get worked up over girls who are younger than Nu Metal.

When I think "Southern Gothic" I think of someone who reads Propaganda magazine with a mouthful of Red Man chewing tobacco.

Bangkok and no ladyboy gags?
Seriously, they needed to have one of them bang a chick with a dick, or better yet become one.

Unite those giant forelocks of hair!

I think we just got closer to Shirley from COMMUNITY's vision of PULP FICTION.

Yeah! Abe was working the "Old people are funny" since back in the early Triassic period, when large mammal like reptiles ruled the earth.

Catch the Early Bird meal special and watch RTV's evening lineup?

He shoulda hired Eric the Midget.

It delivers the important message: "YOUR PARENTS ARE STUPID DICKS"