
Shit, that's news to me. People didn't like NToL? Second Song is one of the most glorious album openers of many, many years. That album is a gem, as is Seeds and everything else they've done. Nice to see real passion here and no snark.
Thumbs up emoticon

I was listening to Test Pilot when I got a notification that you wrote this! The album is great and really a lot more varied than given credit for. Read some interviews with them and they've clearly said that they were just unwilling to write lyrics that weren't pretty straightforward. I think they're just trying to

It's mangoatgurus. Fucking Disqus is acting up. I have the record. I was going to burn them as files tomorrow. How can I get them to you? One of them is essential. Awesomely slinky slow-burner that Tunde excels at.

How is it vapid? It illustrates the fallacy that music and journalism have any business together. Record reviews like this contribute NOTHING to the conversation.

The $5.98 EP legitimately had me excited for what was to come. After Justice…blech

My lifelong musical love is Teenage Fanclub. 24 years in and I still love them. Far from my first love, but the one I've always somehow held dearest.

Couldn't agree more. That's just two examples among many. Psalm is a knockout.

I have very particular guidelines for new albums. I'm anal retentive as hell, I realize. I have to own a physical copy of something. It's made for some very expensive purchases.

No worries about the confusion. Fucking Disqus keeps switching me between Warmjets and Mangoatgurus so it would be easy to get confused. Yes, I should've said "bands" as well. By the way, post-Bookends Paul Simon is pretty flawless lyrically. I think we're having a circular discussion. Trust me, I'm no indie elitist—

You're overthinking this. We simply have different taste. THAT IS OK. Hell, I love Morrissey, Elliott Smith, Peter Hammill— all pretty fucking heart-on-sleeve. It needn't devolve into cool/uncool stereotyping bullshit. It's an ostentatious move to declare someone you've never mets taste as "inorganic."
As a Genesis

Same guy, Disqus issues. I heard 30 secs of the one that opens in French and made myself turn it off. I want to go in fresh!

Now I'm warmjets again? Fuck Disqus!!!

Hey, put the gun down, pal. People are entitled to like what they like without libel. I like Bjork- it was a joke. Sorry that Cohen is the height of poetics to you; not me, but that's the way taste works. I could labor for hrs over why Songs of Love & Hate's lyrics are slightly inferior—though insanely great— to Alien

As someone who thinks The Band is the greatest group of all time, I'm just going to pretend this never happened.

He's went on record as saying they were not going to tailor songs for different cities. But the whole buzz has been misleading if that's what you were hoping for.

Does Paranoid Android count?

He's from about 15 miles where I live. I can attest that EVERYONE in Laguna Beach is, effectively, Taylor Hawkins. A bit of a "duuuuuude" but seems like a sweet guy. Helluva drummer.

And since we're on the topic of guitar, why not remember the wisdom of Captain Beefheart on the subject?

Buffalo Springfield

Nash rarely played (plays) guitar. Just stands there like some goddamn Garfunkel.