Teller of the Fucking Truth

It started as a channel for English speaking Hispanic millennials. That's a totally contradictory market though (basically "minorities who are assimilated but still want to feel special somehow maybe") and now it's basically just Alt Comedy Podcasts: The Cable Channel.

Stop feeding the trolls, dumbasses. You are making Return of Kings rich with web traffic.

Swamp Thing is the work of a respected auteur.

All of you sex negative bigots have obviously never heard the B-Side: "Baby, The Safe Word is Red (And If You're Gagged It's "Eh Eh Eh")"

I also thought it was pretty good.

Set in a world very much like our own but with the one difference being that there are superheroes.

I read the novel earlier this year in preparation for the miniseries. I'm kind of ashamed I didn't read it sooner because I'm a big fan of the Odyssey series and the Rama series. Anyway, my memories are fresh. In the novel everyone just got free money. Most people worked. Some freeloaded but no one cared because

40 year olds with roommates. Obama's America 2015.

I know you're trolling but I am legitimately glad Hellcat is still hot. I'm still kind of bummed they made Squirrel Girl so unpleasant to look at.

Has it already been talked to death how the proposed Netflix Defenders aren't really the Defenders at all. Because the Defenders should include Hulk and Doctor Strange at least. They're more like the Bendis era New Avengers.

Has every Secret Wars miniseries finished? Is the last issue of the main series the only thing to do released? I think Ultimate End was the last one otherwise.

I remember first seeing the trailer for this at least 2 years ago. I assumed it was never actually going to come out. Anyone know what the deal was with production?

Try watching Episode 20 of Breaking Bad or Games of Thrones with no context. They wouldn't make sense either. Do people say those are bad shows because of that?

Spike Lee is an asshole but he's so ridiculously over the top about it and his rants are so transparently self serving that it's kind of hard to be mad at him about it. He's like the Steve Albini of African American cinema.

I don't think they're trying to tank the book. They're not trying to make it central to the universe either. I think they probably decided to do this after Bendis was already on the book. Or perhaps they wanted to sideline it from the start but Bendis was able to overrule them because of his clout in the company.

I'd be willing to bet that the US has continually engaged in torture since its founding. The only difference during the Bush years is that the government made a weird attempt to be public about it and defend it as not torture. In a weird way, Bush was actually one of the most transparent presidents ever.

I don't know why there's such hostility to the "Fuck Fox" narrative. It makes sense. You bring it up and people act like you're suggesting maybe Bill Cosby is innocent.

Logic and morality don't operate the same way in the comic book world as they do in the real world. If you think killing the mass murdering Joker in self defenses makes you "just as bad" then you probably would also think that teenagers with laser boners should be allowed in the general population just because. Yes, I

I would buy your theory that Bendis was to blame if he took the book in a radically different direction. He didn't though, he literally did nothing with it and just wrote place holding filler after Battle of the Atom. Clearly working towards Hickman's ends would have made a better story. If Bendis decided not to do

Bendis story was supposed to end before Secret Wars started though. It was just one single issue, the final one, that got delayed 6 months. That's also the issue where nothing fucking happened. So there must have been some editorial interference in the preceding 6 months. I wonder what Bendis' original ending was,