Weebeys Plastic Fish

I'd have paired Orlando Jones with Jeff Goldblum.

"Stop brushing your hair!"

Does anyone else look at A.V. Club headlines sometimes while they're working and think, "Man, people got paid to put that list together," and then feel even worse about their job?

I remember my parents watching this movie and me getting incredibly bored, so I began to chase my sister around the house. We ended up running into my parents' room, where, lo and behold, all of our unwrapped Christmas presents were. It was at that moment that I discovered Santa Claus didn't exist. Thanks, Kevin

You're thinking of Iron Chef, not Top Chef. Top Chef is very different from both the original Iron Chef and Iron Chef America. EDIT: Also, Iron Chef America is very similar to the original Iron Chef in that it's one-off competitions, rather than season-long. However, Food Network also has a season-long reality

I enjoyed this season a lot overall, actually, aside from the results. Nina, Shirley and some of the other chefs brought a lot of talent, and I enjoyed that most of the drama was either related to the way the competition works (Nick's immunity) or "chef problems" (Carlos not cleaning Nick's knife).

I feel like Top Chef is a show that has had highs and lows throughout its run that are always related to how well it balances the actual competition with their understanding of what constitutes entertainment in a reality show. There are seasons where talent is the focus and seasons where drama and/or personality are

Prediction: Ted dies in a plane crash and Peggy gets promoted.

She definitely sounded more like Lindsay Weir in this episode when Don told her they weren't going out.

Periods move around the month actually. They're more like Hanukkah than Thanksgiving.

This is getting ri-goddamn-diculous!

I know we know Ted only knew because Peggy told him, but Stan doesn't know that.

It's always the client that makes the point as well, but they're not the ones in advertising. Personally, I found Don's pitch was pretty effective. I definitely had some ketchup after the episode ended.

Don's been so open and curious with experiences in the past, I was almost surprised they didn't go back to Mel and Arlene's place. It's also interesting since Don is already sleeping with another man's wife. In fact, in the first episode, towards the end of their New Year's Eve gathering, I was starting to think it

I assumed J. Walter Thompson was the name of a guy at Heinz. Thanks for the clarification!

A bit off topic, but you know who always reminds of Poochie? Guy Fieri. He's like the actual human version of Poochie, in every conceivable way.

For me, season 3 had less interesting/entertaining characters and relationships than the other seasons (Conrad Hilton, Ms. Farrell, Gene, Henry (though I liked him in season 4), Duck/Peggy). Plus, Joan was gone for half of the season and Sal got fired. It did also have some great moments, and the finale is one of my

People with peanut allergies.

At least the Lannisters have Tyrion.