buzz baldrin

FX gives creative control and big money to Murphy. "Feud" justifies the gamble but doesn't excuse the eventual falloffs in Glee and American Horror Story.

Because Henry's bonding with Stan begins Henry's ascent to a future FBI counterintelligence agent.

Best Americans episode of the year. Best review of the Americans, including the perceptive ones in the New Yorker.

Don Draper's ridiculous backstory and superficial mystery make his character, fantastic to look at, difficult to play, especially for a conventional actor, albeit one with matinee idol looks, like Hamm.

Praise the recapper. Perfect review.


Regrettably, Amber Riley, who can sing, cannot act, cannot credibly speak even a three-word line, let alone be a romantic interest.

Wish The Waitress was there to see Charlie's triumph.

Glee has become, like Nip-Tuck, a farce fueled by irony and insult humor. LIke musical comedy, the appeal of the genre is too limited for a network TV series, especially in a country where political correctness rules.

Even Supergirl couldn't have overcome Marley's anorexia and embarrassing mom subplots. A decent actress and good singer, Benoist deserved better.

Funniest Ryan Murphy episode Sean McNamara banged Santa's helper in Nip-Tuck. Plus the comedy lines and choreography were great, and the songs (not itunes pop this week) were entertaining.

If your guess is correct, then TV's white problem seems relatively small (limited to the occasional race-theme episode) to me. What seems a larger question to me is, How exactly should episodes about race be handled, in your opinion?

The episode gets an A, because dramatically it deepened and intensified the Florrick's family and relationship dilemmas, it clarified and strengthened Alicia's political resolve, set the stage for a battle royal at the law firm, and left me wanting more. In contrast, the review gets a C-, because it superficially

O, to be born a Coppola.